From the SCMTFC's newsletter
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The OLD SCMTFC's newsletter “Spark Coil” was recognized by MTFCA as 2002 Best Newsletter!
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Brief History of Body Painting
by E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the January, 2002 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Let’s spend a little time talking about the Model T’s paint job. How many times have you had someone walk up to you and repeat the old quote that “you can have any color you want as long as it’s black”? Of course, we Model T folks know that all Model T’s were not painted black.
The 1909 models were carmine, 1910 models were a very dark green, and around mid-1911 Ford started using a very dark midnight blue which continued through 1912 and 1913. With the advent of the assembly line in late 1913 and early 1914, Ford finally switched to black until Dupont lacquer became available in the mid-twenties. Then, once again, the Model T came in several colors. Most common were Windsor maroon and channel green. Both of these colors were very dark.
When Ford built the Highland Park plant, several floors were set aside just to hold bodies which had been varnished and were air-drying. This process could take over a week!It’s easy to see that bodies could produce a real bottleneck when Ford was trying to produce more and more cars to meet the growing demand. If ways could be found to speed up the paint process, it would mean a tremendous boost in the number of cars Ford could produce.
The assembly line forced Ford to find a paint which dried rapidly. The paint that finally was used was a much faster drying black which could be flowed on and, after traveling 200 feet at 25 feet a minute, was sufficiently dry to be removed and stacked for drying for an additional 24 hours. This was quite an improvement over the previous one week drying time!
Bodies would travel over three successive floors at Highland Park, at one point running 850 feet on an endless track before turning a right angle and going down-grade to the floor below.
Bodies were first primed with a rapidly drying brown primer which was sprayed on at a high pressure–80 psi. The body was allowed to dry and then placed on the endless conveyor belt, and was not removed again until it was stored for the 24-hour drying time. After the priming was completed, the body moved past two men who literally flowed the paint on from nozzles that looked much like vacuum cleaner nozzles.
Paint flowed by gravity from the floor above, through the hoses and nozzles, onto the body. About two gallons of paint were used on each body but most ran off and was filtered and pumped back to the tank for re-use. One gallon of paint would actually do eleven bodies. The gloss achieved was spectacular as shown by reflections in this coupe body being shipped in a railroad boxcar. With absolutely no orange peel it looked as good as “clear coat”!
Unfortunately, the gloss didn’t last long and the varnish soon dulled considerably, but the cars sure looked great when new in the showroom!
See you down the road…
Cooling System Problems
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the July, 2000 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy Fellow Model T’ers! Summer is certainly here and the hot weather can be a challenge for our Model T’s so let’s talk about Henry’s cooling system and the after-market water pump.
Henry’s first Model T’s used a water pump. After the first couple of hundred cars, the water pump was eliminated and the T’s from then on relied on a thermo-siphon system for cooling. This worked reasonably well when the cars were new and the blocks and radiators were clean. The “Copperheads” were more likely to boil than the later black radiators with their slightly larger capacity.
Lots of after-market manufacturers made a good living supplying water pumps for the T’s, and a lot of folks use them today. But are they really needed? A T with a clean block, good radiator and properly adjusted fan can run on the hottest days without boiling over! In most cases, a water pump is covering over the problem and not really fixing the source.If you talk to an owner with a pump, you’ll almost always hear two complaints. The pump leaks and the fan belt won’t stay on the pulleys. Most will agree that water pumps are a doggone nuisance! They keep them because they keep the water moving so fast it has less chance to boil.
Let’s look at the cooling system and see what is causing it to overheat and what we can do to eliminate the problem without using a water pump. First, let’s look at the things that can cause a T to run hot:
1. Running with the spark lever too far retarded or too far advanced will cause overheating. Murray Fahnstock once said that for every speed there is only one correct instant for the plugs to fire. If it is too retarded the gas is ignited too late as the piston travels down on the power stroke. This wastes power and causes the engine to work harder. If it is too advanced the gas is ignited before the piston has started down on the power stroke. Not only does this waste power but it is hard on the rod and main bearings! So get in the habit of moving the spark lever to the spot where the car pulls the best but doesn’t knock.
2. A head and block that are not clean will certainly contribute to overheating. Flushing with chemical cleaner and then always using an anti-rust solution or antifreeze to keep it clean will help this area.
3. Probably the biggest cause of overheating is the radiator. Just because the radiator looks good doesn’t mean it cools well! If the radiator is the original or had been on the car for many years, vibration and continued heating and cooling will have caused the fins to loosen on the tubes and the radiator can not transfer the heat! A radiator with good flow but loose fins will NOT cool a T! The choice is to either replace the core or buy a new radiator.In almost every case, this will fix the overheating problem and a pump will not be necessary.
When replacing the radiator, we now have a choice of either the original round tubes which should be used on a show car or the modern flat tubes which have superior cooling ability. If you’re going to tour, choose the flat tubes. They do make a difference and look very good.
4. The fan belt tension also plays an important part in cooling. Too loose and the fan will slip and not do its job. This is especially true if you’re using a water pump. Too tight and the belt and fan bearings will wear rapidly.
It’s not a bad idea to use a 50/50 mixture of anti-freeze all year round. Contrary to some folks, anti-freeze does not leak worse than water. You can just see it better since it doesn’t evaporate as quickly. It does raise the boiling point and that’s helpful in our engines where we don’t have too many degrees to play with.I would suggest replacing anti-freeze every year or two.
See you down the road…
Drive Train Rebuild
Part 1: Preparation
by John Ironside (This article was originally published in the March, 2012 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Our 1921 Model T Touring has been in the Ironside family since my father originally purchased it in 1955 and completed the first restoration. A second restoration is underway and so far the engine, transmission, cooling system, electrical system and front axle/steering system have been rebuilt. This is the story of my experience in rebuilding the drive train, which I believe had been in continuous operation for ninety years with the only maintenance being changing of lubricants.
First, let me explain that I am a retired engineer, good at tinkering, and probably a better carpenter than mechanic. But I have the strong urge to do as much of the restoration work on the car as possible. Hopefully this article can spur other Model T enthusiasts who might be a little reluctant about this type of project to believe it’s within their capabilities.
My first step was to research drive train rebuilding requirements by reading the MTFCA manual “Front End & Rear Axles”, watching our club’s collection of MTFCA DVD’s about drive train restoration, and sorting through relevant strings on the Model T Forum for added particulars. Being trained as an engineer, I needed a list. So the information was compiled into a six page outline that describes the steps for disassembly, evaluating the condition of each part, and reassembly of the entire drive train. Major headings in the checklist are as follows:
Remove Drive Train
Disassemble Drive Shaft
Drive Shaft Inspection
Reassemble Drive Shaft
Disassemble Rear Axel
Rear Axle Inspection
Rear Axle Adjustments
Final Assembly
The list includes two sections dedicated to inspections because it became evident that one of the big restoration tasks is to determine if existing parts are within original specifications, and therefore what new parts need to be obtained. Space was provided in the outline to enter actual measurements and designate if an existing part was adequate or new part needed. A draft copy of the Drive Train Restoration Checklist is on file with our club librarian. Hopefully our club members find this checklist helpful. For members that do rehabilitation of the drive train on their vehicles, I would encourage you to add comments about your experience, how the steps included in the checklist could be improved, recommended tools and supplies, which options for repairs you prefer, etc.
Speaking of tools and supplies, I found during my research that I was short a few items. First, I would need a device to measure wear on the parts, so I bought a digital caliper for about thirty-five dollars at Home Depot. This tool proved to be very useful at measuring the wear on existing parts and was helpful for a myriad of other tasks. Then there was a special tool for pulling the axle bearing sleeves which cost about twenty dollars. Next, if the thrust plate pins in the differential were defective, I would need a removal kit, which cost about ten dollars. The last two items were added to my parts order list. The fourth item that I thought I would need is a bench mount axle holder which is available from the parts suppliers for around $200.
I was thinking of an alternative to spending this amount of money, and I found it in a scrap 10×20 inch piece of �? inch plywood (see photo). At one end I cut a 3½ inch wide slot leading to a six inch diameter hole and then ran a router around the opening to bevel the upper edge. After attaching the scrap to my work bench with eight two inch wood screws, I had an axle holder that proved to work very well.
So now I was ready to start the actual work on the drive train restoration project. I will start with the experience of removing the drive train and the assessment of the drive shaft condition in the next issue of the Spark Coil.
Part II: Removal and Disassembly
by John Ironside
(This article was originally published in the July, 2012 issue of the Spark Coil.)
To remove the drive train from the car, you have to support the rear of the car from the frame. To do this, I first put the rear axle on jack stands and removed the wheels. I then removed the muffler to make way for a 4×4 timber support extended between wheel wells under the frame and resting on a second set of jack stands as shown in the photo below.
Next I removed the brake rods and brake shoes and set aside. Small aftermarket shock absorbers connected the rear spring to the axle and proved very difficult to remove. With the jack stands positioned to catch the rear axle, a C-clamp was finally positioned between the spring and perch on each end so the bolts could be driven out. Disconnecting the front was achieved by positioning a support under the universal ball and removing the four bolts. When the drive shaft was pulled free of the transmission, the universal fell on the floor. Inspection showed that the pin connecting the universal to the drive shaft had sheared off and the universal was floating in the drive train (a dangerous arrangement). The maximum recommended movement of the pins in the universal is 0.020 inch, but three of the four pins actually measured about 0.050 inch and the universal should be replaced. Finally the rear axle was free and could slide out from under the car on timber ramps to the garage floor.
The first step in disassembly was to remove the radius rods and set them aside. With the drive shaft in the vertical position, the six bolts around the pinion bearing spool were removed and the drive shaft lifted out of the differential. A drip pan was aligned under the differential and the axle was rotated to the drive shaft opening down position to allow the differential “goo” to drain out over the next couple of days.
Since the universal was already removed, the drive shaft easily pulled out of the drive shaft housing. A brass bushing is pressed into the end of the housing at the universal end to support the drive shaft and I found it to have excessive wear. The pinion bearing was found to have a broken roller. After fixing the universal end of the drive shaft in a vise, the cotter pin and pinion nut were removed from the other end with substantial effort. A few taps with a hammer removed the pinion gear and allowed the pinion bearing to slide off the drive shaft. I then used a solvent to clean the existing parts. To clean the interior of the housing I stapled a rag dipped in solvent to a long stick to remove the debris.
Below is a photo of the parts on the pinion end of the drive shaft. The pinion bearing with the defective roller removed is on the left. The teeth on the pinion gear were badly worn and pinion needed to be replaced. The pinion bearing sleeve is press fit onto the drive shaft and the notch in the sleeve is supposed to fit around the pinion key. The sleeve was pushed too far onto the shaft and was not in alignment. A friend helped me remove the sleeve and dress the threads on the end of the drive shaft. Then the pinion thrust bearings could be removed from the drive shaft and they appeared to be in good shape.
In the next part of this story I will describe the experience of reassembling the drive shaft with new parts.
Part III: Drive Shaft Restoration
by John Ironside (This article was originally published in the December, 2012 issue of the Spark Coil.)
I determined that a number of parts were defective while disassembling the drive shaft. One decision that needs to be made prior to ordering parts is which type of pinion bearing will be used. The original style requires a bearing sleeve pressed onto the drive shaft and some tedious milling of the universal bushing to eliminate end play of the shaft. Furthermore, the experts question the quality of remanufactured pinion bearings since they are made without lubrication grooves. The modern bearing assembly incorporates a ball bearing and tapered roller bearing in a special spool that looks like the original on the outside. These bearings do not require a sleeve on the drive shaft, do not require thrust bearings, and since the assembly is locked onto the shaft, there is no need to mill the universal bushing for a tight fit. Although it costs about 45% more than the original equipment, I selected the modern pinion bearing assembly for this project.
So then this was my parts order for rebuilding the drive shaft:
o Universal Joint
o U-Joint Pin
o Front Drive Shaft Bushing (brass)
o Modern Pinion Bearing Assembly
o Pinion Gear – 11 tooth
o Pinion Key
o Pinion Castle Nut
The cost of the parts order was about $250.
Below is a photo of the new parts for the pinion end of the drive shaft. The assembly instructions that came with the modern pinion bearing assembly were straightforward. First, slide the locking collar on the shaft, followed by the spool containing the ball bearing, and then the tapered roller bearing. After inserting the pinion key in the keyway, slide the pinion gear on the shaft and thread on the pinion nut. The nut is tightened to 70 ft. lbs. of torque before being secured with a cotter pin through the shaft and nut. With the pinion gear in place, the bearing assembly is pushed tight to the gear, followed by the locking collar that is snugged up to provide a slight bearing drag.
I could now begin work on the universal end of the drive shaft, so I inserted the drive shaft into the housing and through the front bushing that had been pressed into place. I secured the pinion bearing spool to the housing with temporary bolts. Just to test the alignment, I gave the pinion gear a spin and heard a rubbing sound.
Finally, I determined that the locking collar set screw was rubbing on the inside of the housing, so I called the bearing assembly manufacturer for advice. After some discussion, checking Ford fabrication drawings, and making caliper measurements, we verified that the housing I.D. on my car was smaller than spec and that extra metal thickness was provided in this area. So using a small grinding wheel to reestablish the specified inside diameter of the housing, the pinion spool was reattached and the rubbing noise was eliminated.
There are two threaded plugs on the universal ball housing that must be removed to access the U-joint pin. After grease lubricating the universal joint, I inserted the universal over the end of the drive shaft. The pin hole is then aligned with the plug holes, the pin is inserted, and the ends of the pin are peened to lock the universal in place. But how do you peen the pin inside the housing? I found the answer in a string on the Model T Forum. Prior to inserting the pin, peen over one end. Insert the pin through the plug hole in the housing into position and thread a bolt down on top of the peened end. The bolt that has the right thread to fit the plug hole is the one holding the fan support arm to the engine block. Using a drift pin through the other plug hole, peen over the end of the U-joint pin. Screw the plugs back in the holes and the drive shaft is reassembled.
In the next issue of the Spark Coil I will share with you my experience disassembling the rear axle.
Part IV: Rear Axle Disassembly
by John Ironside (This article was originally published in the February, 2013 issue of the Spark Coil.)
After placing the axle on a couple of jack stands, the first task was to drive out the sleeves that were worn away in each of the spring perches (see photo below).
The next step was to remove the bolts holding the housing together around the differential and pull both sides of the housings off the axles. The inner bearings were pulled out of the axle housings and found to be in good condition. There are three thrust rings located on each side of the differential, and the center ring in each group was found to be made of babbit which confirms that the drive train is probably original 90-year old construction—brass is the current preference for the center washer so the existing babbit material will be replaced. The outer steel washers were measured to be within spec and in good shape.
To hold the outer steel thrust washer in position, one pin is pressed into each side of the differential case and two pins are pressed into each of the axle housings. All of the pins were worn to an oval shape and needed to be replaced. The differential case is attached to the ring gear with ten bolts wired together in pairs. The severe wear of the pinion gear was matched on the outer edge of the ring gear which will be replaced. I observed excessive end play in the axles supported in the differential case, and this needs to be addressed during the rebuild by replacing the fiber disc between the axles with the proper thickness.
Removing the three case bolts allows the case to be opened for inspection of the internal parts. Measurement of the spider gears, spider gear arms, axle gears, and openings in the differential case demonstrated compliance with original specs. All of the gears appeared to be in good condition. The axles appeared to be straight and true with no signs of excessive wear in the bearing areas. The housings were measured for alignment by standing them on end. A carpenter square was held at multiple locations around the axle to take high and low offset measurements. Since the measurement variation was very small, I determined the housings to be true and in good shape.
As a result of the inspection, the following parts were ordered for the rebuild of the rear axle:
– Ring Gear – 40 tooth standard
– Center Thrust Washers (brass)
– Thrust Washer Pin Replacement Kit
– Modern Inner Oil Seals
– Outer Bearing Sleeves (left & right)
– Grease Cap, Grease Seal, & Washer Sets
– Spring Perch Sleeves
– Drive Train Gasket Set
The cost of the parts order was about $450.
In the next issue of the Spark Coil, the discussion will focus on reassembly of the rear axle and the fitting of replacement parts into the assembly.
Part V: Rear Axle Assembly
by John Ironside (This article was originally published in the June, 2013 issue of the Spark Coil.)
For the rebuild of the rear axle, I decided to replace all the thrust plate pins because most of the pins showed signs of significant wear. The parts order included a pin replacement kit consisting of a drill bit, a 10/32” tap, six screws and six replacement pins. After center punching the existing pin, drilling the pilot hole, tapping the hole, and inserting the screw, the pin was removed with a claw hammer as shown in Photo #1 of the right differential case. A few taps of a hammer set the replacement pins in their final positions. I checked each pin to be sure it did not protrude past the thickness of the outer steel thrust plate and interfere with the center brass thrust plate.
A properly sized fiber wafer is provided between the right and left axles in the differential to prevent axle end play. Using the existing fiber wafer, the differential case was reassembled and found to have excessive end play. I inserted a new fiber washer (included in parts order) and the differential case was reassembled. There was still too much end play. Fortunately, the parts order included a double set of gaskets for the rear axle. So I placed two new fiber wafers between the two axles, and when the differential case was bolted up, I found that the wafers were too thick because neither axle could be turned.
To get the correct spacing, I had to reduce the thickness of each wafer so the final “wafer sandwich” was correct. Milling the face of the 1” wafers proved to be very difficult. They were hard to hold by hand, and gluing them to the work bench with a hot glue gun didn’t hold very long. Sanding seemed to only roll the edges because the fiber material resisted abrasion. Finally, with a lot of effort, metal files were used successfully to obtain the correct thickness. With the wafers in place, the differential case was bolted up and the cotter keys inserted, and the axles extending out each side of the differential rotated with a firm drag and no end play. The ring gear was then bolted to the differential case, and each pair of bolts holding the ring gear was wired together to secure the installation.
The next task was to eliminate end play of the differential within the housing. With the left housing supported in the bench mount axle holder, the left thrust plates and inner bearing were positioned on the axle and inserted into the left housing. The right thrust plates and bearings were then installed and the right housing positioned so the joint between the housings could be bolted up. My first attempt was too tight, so the right brass bearing plate had to be milled to about 70% of the original thickness. By holding the bearing against the wheel of a bench grinder, I achieved the required thickness.
Photo #2 shows the differential inserted into the left housing. Attached to the housing with three bolts is the drive shaft that is supported horizontally. The initial fit between the pinion gear and ring gear seemed firm, but rotating the drive shaft seemed to be smooth with modest effort. I was told a crescent shaped piece of paper inserted between the gear teeth should create crisp creases without tearing he paper. This is what is happening in the photo.
Knowing that the adjustments were complete, I positioned gaskets with gasket sealer and the housings were bolted up to the drive train. To align the drive shaft perpendicular to the rear axle, I installed the radius rods and adjusted them until measurements between identical points on the two break hubs to a common point at the universal were identical.
Photo #3 shows the final task of installing outer bearings and seals. Since the inner axle bearings typically receive less wear, I made the decision to switch the inner and outer bearings for the final assembly. Another consideration was replacing the original outer bearings with safety hub bearings. Safety hub bearings are fitted to the axle housing and do not impose load on the rear axles. If an axle breaks, the wheels stay on the car with a safety hub, rather than falling off in the original design. However, the downside is that a pair of safety hub bearings will cost over $500. Since the parts cost of this restoration project was already over $800, I decided to retain the original bearings, making the bearing switch to compensate for previous wear differential. At a later date I may add safety hub bearings as restoration enhancement.
To keep the lubrication in the differential, a seal is first inserted over the axle and into the housing. Rather than the original leather seal, a modern neoprene seal was selected and is shown on the end of the axle in Photo #3. Next, the replacement bearing sleeve is compressed, inserted in the housing, and rotated with the sleeve puller tool until dimples in the sleeve and housing align. This assures that the grease cups on the axle housing align with the holes in the bearing sleeve. Note that the sleeves are designed for the right and left side of the housing and are not interchangeable. Finally, the washer, felt grease seal, and end cap are installed over the axle, tight to the bearing with gasket sealer between the housing and end cap.
To keep the lubrication in the differential, a seal is first inserted over the axle and into the housing. Rather than the original leather seal, a modern neoprene seal was selected and is shown on the end of the axle in Photo #3. Next, the replacement bearing sleeve is compressed, inserted in the housing, and rotated with the sleeve puller tool until dimples in the sleeve and housing align. This assures that the grease cups on the axle housing align with the holes in the bearing sleeve. Note that the sleeves are designed for the right and left side of the housing and are not interchangeable. Finally, the washer, felt grease seal, and end cap are installed over the axle, tight to the bearing with gasket sealer between the housing and end cap.
Reassembly is now complete. In the next part of the story, I will discuss the experience (with a few unique twists) of installing the drive train back into the car.
Part VI: Rear Axle Installation
by John Ironside (This article was originally published in the January, 2014 issue of the Spark Coil.)
When my father bought our Model T in 1955, there were no shackles attaching the leaf springs to the spring perches on the axle. Instead, the car was equipped with aftermarket shock absorbers to make this connection. Both the front and rear shock absorbers—consisting of a heavy spring within a compression cylinder—have been disassembled, cleaned to bare metal, and refinished. I have never seen the name of a manufacturer on these devices.
The front shock absorbers have a threaded hole in the center to allow compression with a threaded rod so the hanger bolts can be inserted. The shock absorbers on the rear axle are a different configuration because they have no threaded rod hole, so installing the rear shock absorbers became a two-step process. First, the shock absorber was compressed to get the hanger bolt through the perch as shown in Photo #1. A furniture clamp was used because the C-clamp would not hold. In the second step, two C-clamps were required to position the absorber for insertion on the hanger bolt through the leaf spring hole as shown in Photo #2.
Photo #3 shows the shock absorbers mounted on the rear axle and attached to the bottom leaf of the rear springs. During removal of the rear axle, the rear springs were also removed, disassembled, cleaned to bare metal, and refinished. Discussion on the Model T Forum suggested that a coating of graphite paint on the springs between leaves would improve performance and decrease spring noise. So I bought a can of Slip Plate graphite paint for about $8, and I coated each leaf thoroughly with the dry lubricant (grey color in Photo #3).
I took great precaution when disassembling and reassembling the leaf spring pack. When the springs are all compressed, tremendous energy is stored and it can be very dangerous if accidentally released. To reassemble the spring, the individual leafs were stacked together and I inserted a threaded rod with a washer and nut on each end through the center hole as shown in Photo #4. The nuts were tightened slowly—making sure the leafs stayed in alignment—until I reached full compression. Then I installed C-clamps on each side while the threaded rod was removed and the permanent compression bolt was installed. Then I installed spring clamps around each side of the pack to ensure that alignment would be maintained.
Photo #5 shows the rear axle with leaf spring ready for installation. Having temporarily wired the universal end of the drive shaft up into alignment with the engine, I rotated the male end of the universal to fit the socket in the transmission, and then shoved the entire assembly forward into position. Then I jacked up the rear axle to mate the spring with the frame. On the floor in Photo #5 is a U-shaped 1-1/2″ bar that is fastened to the frame with U-bolts on each leg to hold the rear springs in place. This bar was another feature on the car when purchased in 1955, and the hole at the apex suggests that this aftermarket device was used as a hitch. Also on the floor is a leather pad that was fabricated to match original design; it is fitted between the spring and frame. After bolting up the spring to the frame, I completed the job by bolting the universal joint cap to the transmission housing with cotter keys on the upper two bolts and wire-tying the two lower bolts together.
In the concluding part of this story I will address the challenges faced while installing the parking breaks prior to mounting the wheels.
Generator Rebuilding
By Ron Patterson (This article was originally published in the November, 2002 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Model T Generator and Starter Brushplate Rebuilding-An Update…
I don’t know if any of you have used the Model T generator and starter brushplate rebuilding video I did for the MTFCA video library?
The process for brushplate rebuilding remains fundamentally unchanged, but since that time some significant advances have been made in brushplate insulators that are available from Model T parts suppliers.
In the past when rebuilding the generator brushplate you had to buy two of the currently available insulators and cut one to fit the back side of the brushplate. This was awkward at best. You usually didn’t have a pattern from the removed part because it was damaged (isn’t that why we are replacing it?). You also had to be very careful cutting the new insulator because the final alignment of the third brush-sliding slot was critical or it will short out against the metal brushplate slot.
When adapting the currently available starter brushplate insulator part you needed four pieces and again had to modify two of them for the backside of the brushplate. Patterns were a bit easier to be had (no sliding brush), but you had to shorten them and add a new 1/8 mounting hole for the rivet.
Recently I met up with my fellow “Sparky” John Regan. I showed him on of my rebuilt brushplate units and we discussed the issues with the currently available insulators. John took a keen interest. I don’t know if any of you know John, but he is a manufacturing genius.
We got exact measurements for the original generator and starter insulator parts and John entered the critical dimensions into his CAD/CAM system.
He sent me a paper sample of each part to check for final fit on a brushplate. He also selected an appropriate material with sufficient toughness (for the third brush slot) that could be laser cut to exacting measurements. The final product is a perfect fit and requires no modification.
If you are rebuilding your generator or starter brushplate get yourself a set of these insulators. They are far superior to any previously available. They can be obtained from (search on brushplate insulators) or contact Lang’s Old Car Parts or Snyders. Make sure you specify the new FunProjects insulators.
Ron the Generator, Starter & Coilman
Troubleshooting Generator Problems
by E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the March, 2002 issue of the Spark Coil.)
In past issues of the “Spark Coil” we have talked about various parts of the electrical system but we touched only briefly on the Model T generator. A recent discussion in the E-Mail Model T Forum got me thinking this might be a good topic for discussion.
Beginning in with the 1919 closed cars, Ford added a generator and starter to the Model T. By 1921, it was available on both closed and open models. The addition of the starter made the Model T a much more practical car for the ladies to drive and Ford was quick to point out the advantages to these new potential customers.
When the generator is working properly, we seldom give it much thought but when it stops charging the battery, we very quickly become aware of it whether we want to or not! So, let’s take a few minutes to discuss generator problems and how we diagnose and repair them.
The generator cutout will also need to be checked. The cutout is really a simple mechanical switch which disconnects the generator from the electrical circuit when the generator is not putting out sufficient current. The cutout is needed because if the circuit is not broken, the generator will act as a motor and will DRAW current instead of producing it! This would quickly discharge the battery. A cutout that fails to close will not only prevent a charge but can cause the generator to burn out!
First, make sure the battery is fully charged. Use a charger, if necessary, to charge it. Then, using an analog voltmeter, we should first make sure we have voltage on the battery side of the cutout when the engine is not running. We should use an analog (meter with a pointer) rather than a digital one because the digital meter (being an “averaging” device) will not display changes in readings as accurately as analog. We should have approximately 6 volts on the battery side of the cutout. If not, check the wiring from the cutout to the dash wiring block. These screws can get loose and corrosion can also cause an open circuit.
Now start the engine and set it at a high idle. Take a heavy wire or a pair of pliers and jumper from one side of the cutout to the other. If the ammeter registers a charge, the cutout is bad. Replace it. If the ammeter shows a heavy discharge, the generator is probably shorted and will need to be removed and repaired. If the ammeter doesn’t move, then the cutout is probably OK but we are not getting any generator output. Turn off the engine.
Remove the generator brush cover and check for drops of solder on the cover. If you find them, the generator has overheated and “thrown” solder and will need to be removed and repaired. If all looks OK, start the engine again and press a piece of medium fine sandpaper (not emery cloth!) against the armature until it is clean and shining copper. Raise the engine speed and see if you have a charge now. If you do, adjust the third brush to give about 6 to 8 amps charge–6 if you drive mostly in the daytime, 8 if you drive much at night.
If you still have no charge after the above tests, you may have a shorted or open armature or field coil or a shorted or open third brush assembly. The insulator strip under the moveable third brush is also a likely spot for a short but you’ll need to disassemble the generator to check it.
If none of the above has helped, you should probably consider letting an electrical shop rebuild the generator or buy one from the model T parts suppliers. Ron Patterson (Coilman) also rebuilds and sells generators and starters and has an excellent reputation. You can find his ad in any issue of either club magazine. Get that generator working and…
I’ll see you down the road…
High Compression Z Head
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the November, 2000 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy, Fellow Model T’ers! In 1909, the Model T was a revolutionary machine. Quite advanced and known for it’s excellent ratio of power to weight. The first T’s weighed about 1200 pounds and the engine produced twenty-two and a half horse power. That was plenty of power to move the T at good speeds over the dirt roads of the day. The nimble T would frequently pass the much heavier cars of the period.
But as roads improved and T’s got heavier the once quick T gradually became slower and more cumbersome. The additional weight of closed bodies such as the centerdoor, tudor and fordor as well as the weight of the starter, generator and demountable rims all combined to drag the T down.
To make matters worse, the number of cars on the road caused shortages in gasoline and refiners increased the supply by diluting gas with kerosene. This forced Ford to lower the compression ratio to prevent harmful pre-detonation. So the already over-worked engine dropped in horsepower to twenty from twenty-two and a half!
Add to this, just two speeds forward instead of three or four and our T’s really have to struggle to keep up with modern traffic.
One popular solution is to add a two speed Ruxstell rear axle. While this does help, it’s a relatively expensive change and adds to the mechanical complexity of the T. And so… with this long preamble I now get to the subject of today’s “Thoughts from the Model T Garage”.
If I were asked what single thing I could do to a Model T to improve its power and responsiveness I would quickly suggest a new aluminum high compression head! I don’t think you can beat this improvement as an easy and reasonably inexpensive change. There have been high compression overhead valve conversions available for the T almost from the beginning of the T’s existance. They are great for the fella who wants to race or hill-climb but I am talking about the much simpler plain aluminum head that all the T suppliers offer and which is also sold direct by the manufacturer in ads in both Vintage Ford and Model T Times.
It’s easy to install… requires no adjustments and works instantly! What’s more, it adds a much needed 6 or 7 horsepower that has to be felt to be believed! When you only have 20 to start with, that 6 or 7 makes a really noticeable difference!
The head gets this power by increasing the compression from about 4.5 to 1 to 6 to 1. Can our babbit bearings take this additional strain. Most of the experts say yes. 6 to 1 is safe and will not cause damage to the bearings. That seems to be proved by the number of heads being run with great success and very few problems.
If you want to be convinced, find someone who has one of the “Z” heads and ask them to let you drive their car. Find a hill that your T has to struggle with and watch the Z head take that hill like it wasn’t even there!
Add to this, the fact that the improved combustion chamber of the “Z” head causes the fuel to burn more evenly and efficiently and you actually get better mileage as well as increased power and a cooler running engine.
The “Z” head can be purchased with spark plug openings for the standard T plugs or the modern 14mm plugs available for a buck each at your local auto store. While the price is certainly nice, the real advantage of the 14mm plugs is that you can choose the heat range that works best for your engine. Installation is easy. Just be sure you use the stainless steel washers, supplied with the head, on each head bolt. You’ll also want to apply a little anti-seize compound to the spark plugs when you install them. Once installed the head looks just like the stock one.
Try it! I think you’ll really like it! See ya down the road…
Ignition System
Coil Condensors
By Ron Patterson (This article was originally published in the July, 2002 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Much has been written about rebuilding Model T ignition coils and the correct part to use as a replacement capacitor.
When operating, the ignition coil has high voltage spikes occurring in the primary circuit. To withstand this environment the correct type capacitor must be used or it will fail very quickly.
In addition to a .47uF and 400 VDC rating, the capacitor must have a sufficient capability to withstand these high voltage spikes. This specification is dV/dt. I won’t go into all the details, but suffice it to say this specification is expressed in Volts per Microsecond.
You can obtain capacitors with correct UFarad and VDC ratings, but do not have sufficient dV/dT rating. These capacitors are usually smaller and many rebuilders make the mistake of selecting them because they are easy to get into the coil box.
This brings me to “Coilman’s” first law: “if the replacement capacitor is small and easy to fit inside the coil box it is the wrong type”! The correct capacitor needs to be shoehorned into the coil box!
The correct part is film foil type construction (not metalized Mylar®) with a rating of .47 uF, 400 VDC and a rating in volts per microsecond in the range of 500 to 900. I have installed over 7000 of this type capacitor in rebuilt Model T ignition coils and never had a failure. The smaller metalized Mylar® type construction capacitors desired because of their size, have ratings in the range of 40-60 volts per microseconds. They will fail very quickly in Model T ignition coils.
The term “Orange Drop®” has been commonly referred to as the correct capacitor, but beware, Orange Drop® capacitors are made in several different types and you have to specify the correct type for Model T ignition coil rebuilding.
The correct Orange Drop® capacitor in small quantities can cost $4-$6 each when purchased from an electrical component distributor. Lang’s Old Car Parts and T-Nuts Model T parts suppliers carry the correct part, buy them in quantity and pass along a significant savings to the Model T hobby.
Ron the Coilman
Tour Season is here again and this might be a good time to quickly review some safety tips that will help us have a trouble-free fun tour in our T’s…
1) Check your tire pressures before beginning the tour. Clincher tires MUST have 55 to 60 pounds pressure in each tire! NOT 35 pounds like the later 21 inch balloon tires. If you don’t have 55 to 60 pounds, the tire and tube will very likely creep on the rim and the result will be a blowout from a severed valve stem!
2) Make sure your spokes are tight! If your spokes are talking to you by clicking when you drive slowly through the parking lot, they are begging you to tighten them. If you ignore their plea, you are very likely to have a wheel collapse when turning a corner or letting a wheel run off the paved surface. This brings up another point… If a wheel accidentally goes off the pavement, don’t jerk the steering wheel to try and force the wheel back on the road! This puts far too much lateral strain on the spokes! Slow down and gently ease the wheel back onto the pavement.
3) Make sure the rear wheels are TIGHT on the axles and check and grease the front wheel bearing. When re-installing the bearings, tighten them until the wheel binds, then back off about a quarter turn. Turn the wheel until the valve stem is at the 3 or 9 o’clock position and let the wheel go. It should be free enough to turn slowly till the valve stem is at the bottom. This won’t work if you have balanced wheels but you should be able to give a small push and have the wheel continue to turn easily. Re-check after you tighten the bearing retaining nut! Many times the nut will force the bearing in enough to lose the free play in the bearing! Don’t forget the cotter pins in the axles!
4) Make sure the front axle radius rod ball cap is snug and wired with safety wire! If not wired, the nuts may stay tight but the double threaded bolt can unscrew from the cap housing! Have a great touring season and…
Converting to 12 Volts
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the September, 1999 issue of the Spark Coil.)
For the past half dozen newsletters we have been discussing the Model T electrical system and how to get the best out of our coils, magnetos, sparkplugs and the accessory distributors. That about finishes the electrical system but before we leave the topic let’s take a brief look at using a 12 volt battery instead of a 6 volt one.
The T was originally intended to run without the need of any battery and the fact that you could do so was advertised as a plus. In the early years, most folks did connect a set of dry cell batteries for easier starting though. When used only for powering the coils while starting the T, the dry cells would usually last an entire driving season.
In 1919 the closed Fords came out with a 6 volt storage battery, generator and starter as standard equipment. The open cars were still magneto only. Then Ford added the battery system to open cars for an additional $75.00. The starter was very well made and really overbuilt for 6 volts. This certainly makes the 6 to 12 volt conversion more practical! The generator was another story. It was marginally designed at best and gave problems even when the T was the main transportation on the road. But… marginal or not, it can charge a 12 volt battery just as well as it can charge a 6 volt battery as long as the charging rate is cut in half.
There are certainly advantages in converting the T to the modern 12 volt system. A 6 volt system will not run the coils well at speeds about 20 or 25 miles an hour! A 12 volt battery will make the coils work at pretty much any speed. A real plus if you have a poor magneto. A 12 volt battery will give you QUICK starts! If you don’t believe that, listen to any 12 volt T when the driver cranks it up! This brings up an important point. Your starter and Bendix MUST be in good shape or 12 volts will cause you to wish they had been! Timing should also be correct. You do not want the engine to kick back when the starter is spinning at 12 volts! A broken bendix or bent starter shaft are very likely!
The Model T generator is pretty dumb. It doesn’t know 12 volts from 6 volts and will happily put out 10 or 12 amps to a 12 volt battery just as it will a 6 volt one… for a very short time! It will then self destruct with hot solder flying everywhere. If running 12 volts, you should set the charge rate at not more than 6 amps and probably 5 would make your generator happier. You will need to change the cutout from a 6 volt one to a 12 volt one.
I’d suggest considering one of the 12 volt alternators that all the Model T suppliers offer. They not only offer higher output but they automatically adjust the charging rate based on the battery’s charge. This is a real plus. The higher output lets you put brighter bulbs in the headlights and the automatic charging give you much longer battery life and longer periods between adding water.
The only other change needed is to replace the 6 volt light bulbs with 12 volt ones.
By the way… The Model T battery should be installed with the negative terminal attached to the frame and the positive terminal attached to the starter cable. Because the Model A reversed these connections, you will sometimes find Model T’s with the connections reversed.
So… what does all this work give us? A T that will start faster and, I believe, will run better on coils or distributor with lights that make it possible to actually see where you are going after dark! I’ve got a set of 55 watt halogen bulbs in my 12 that you have to see to believe!
I’d like to hear from you if you have any questions or comments concerning anything we’ve covered in past issues.
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the July, 1999 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy Fellow Model T’ers! In past columns we’ve talked about various parts of the Ford ignition system. We’ve covered timers, the magneto, coils and sparkplugs. This time, let’s discuss the growing popularity of using a distributor and completely eliminating the need for magneto, coils and timer!
If you do an informal survey of the folks who tour a lot in their T’s I think you’ll find that more than half of them are now using a modern distributor and single spark coil system. Those who have them generally like them. There are those, who enjoy the buzz of the old spark coils and continue to use the original system and when properly adjusted the timer and coils can work equally as well but the distributor is a much simpler system to get adjusted and working and… unless you’re using an Anderson timer, the distributor is probably more trouble free.
There are three distributors that currently make up the bulk of the systems sold. One uses a distributor head from a japanese car, another uses a Volkswagen head and the third uses a Bosch head. All seem to be constructed pretty well and all will probably do the job but there are differences.
Lets take the Japanese model first. This kit is made up by John Stolz in Weatherford, Texas. It comes complete with 6 or 12 volt coil, idler pulley, sparkplug wires and special wrenches. It’s a nice package with everything you need to convert. The other two do not include the sparkplug wires which will add about $10.00 to their cost.
The Stolz distributor mounts down in the same position as the original timer which eliminates any play that the others may have in the spiral gear and shaft they use. That’s an advantage but the location is also a disadvantage in my opinion. The distributor is down in front where it will be coated with oil AND it’s not in a position where you can set the points easily! Dick Chambers plans to install one of these on his “Peach Flat” Model T and I’ll let you know his experiences with it.
The second choice uses a Volkswagen head. When you buy this one, you’ll also need to buy a coil, coil bracket and sparkplug wires so don’t forget to order them at the same time. The VW model clamps where the timer was but the distributor itself is on top of a vertical shaft which puts the points up where they are easy to set or replace and easy to adjust for timing. The VW rotor turns opposite to the Bosch unit and so it requires an slightly more complicated linkage with two rods and a small arm to reverse the motion so that when the spark lever is up the distributor is retarded. There’s nothing wrong with this but it does take a little longer to install and adjust the rods for the correct distances. The VW distributor will make it difficult to get to the fan belt adjustment because of the position of its vertical shaft. Once installed, the VW distributor works well and spare parts are available at any local auto supply.
The third system we’ll discuss uses the Bosch head. This one also places the distributor head on the end of a vertical shaft making it easy to adjust or replace the points. The Bosch also is positioned so that it does not interfere with the fan belt tensioning bolt. Another advantage of the Bosch is that the direction of rotor travel allows a simple single control rod with two less adjustments and less chance of play in the spark retard/advance. Bosch replacement parts should also be readily available at local parts suppliers.
The distributor does not need the magneto and, in fact, will not run well on one. So if you have magneto problems the distributor is a quick and painless solution that offers very good performance and possibly improved power if your mag or spark coils are not in top condition. If running 12 volts you will want to place a dropping resistor in series with the coil to drop the voltage down to 8 volts. This increases point life.
See you down the road…
Installing Coil Points
By Ron Patterson (This article was originally published in the September, 2001 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Lets discuss the coil points that are available new today and cost about $5 a set. I’ll bet you thought you just mount the points and they will work fine, right? Wrong! There are several problems that need to be addressed before you can effectively use them.
1.) Before doing anything clean both parts of the set by rinsing them thoroughly in new lacquer thinner in a small jar with a lid. Carefully shake the jar to make sure the thinner flows through the space under the cushioning spring on the upper point. The problem is that these points are made with dies in stamping machines and those dies require lubricant to work properly. Apparently the manufacturer is not removing all traces of lubricant. Many times you will find this lubricant under the cushion spring. Try to imagine the surface tension effect of this lubricant on cushion spring operation?
2.) Inspect the space under the cushion spring for any metal filings or flashing from the stamping process. If present carefully remove it so as not to damage the cushion spring.
3.) Check the rivet for being cocked and not allowing the cushion spring to move freely. This can sometimes be corrected by lightly tapping the rivet with a small hammer.
4.) Adjust the rivet to limit the total cushion spring movement to about 10 to 20 thousandths. This requires a special home made tool which is a two part die welded into a pair of vice grip ® jaws which also has a nut added to the adjustment screw that lock the grip distance. These dies have holes in them to clear the contact and can move the rivet back and forth depending upon which way you place the part into them. You have to be careful not to move the rivet too many times or it becomes loose and the part becomes unusable.
5.) Tension the cushion spring. The cushion spring needs to be resting on the rivet head with a small amount (just enough to hold it there) of tension and can be pushed back the distance with a very small amount of pressure. To add tension you can roll a nut driver transversely across the cushion spring at the point where there is a small hole near the two small rivets that mount the cushion spring. Go easily with the nut driver and add a little tension each time. Too much tension and you will render it unsalvageable. You can easily add tension but taking it out is very difficult.
6.) Inspect both parts carefully to make sure the contact is properly spot welded. Sometimes they are missing, cocked or loose. You rarely see a failed spot weld on the upper part, usually only the lower. Sometimes you see cocked contacts on both parts. Sometimes you can correct a cocked contact with a light (very lightly, the contact is hard and brittle and fractures easily) tap of a small hammer on the contact with the part on a anvil.
7.) Inspect the mechanical connection on the lower part between the blade and the foot. Hold each piece in one hand and check for a loose joint. If any movement can be detected place the lower part over a square punch handle on an anvil and carefully brad over the stamping on the top of this joint with a small hammer.
Now, the points are ready to mount, but first the top of the coil must be prepared to accept the points. Check the coil top for indentations around the bolts and shim as required. Make sure the coil winding iron core has not shifted. Use another coil as a sample to check the proper height of the core. Usually a light tap with a small hammer will push them back into the winding to the proper height..
By the way, I did not originally find and develop the solutions to all of these problems. I have learned many of these techniques from others who went before me and the credit, rightfully, is theirs.
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the January, 1999 issue of the Spark Coil.)
In our last issue, I talked about one part of the Model “T” ignition system. Various timers were discussed and I recommended the Anderson Timer that is now being manufactured by Bob Thompson. There are two other things which are vital to the smooth operation of the original system the “T” used. They are the magneto and the coils.
There’s a lot of discussion about whether the original coil/timer system can work as well as an after-market distributor. Having run both systems in my 12 and 22 T’s, I can tell you that my personal feeling is the original coil/timer system can work just as reliably and with no more adjustment than a distributor system IF the coils have a good condenser, are adjusted correctly and the magneto puts out enough voltage OR you use a 12 volt battery! We’ll talk about the 12 volt option further down the page.
Let’s talk briefly about the magneto. To have a sweet running coil system you must have a magneto that will put out about 7 volts while idling and about 25 volts or more when driving down the road. A number of factors can effect the magneto’s output. The most common problem is probably magnets which over a period of 75 years have lost much of their magnetism due to heat and vibration. While it is certainly better to recharge low magnets while out of the engine, I have recharged them successfully using three 12 volt batteries in series and carefully lining up the magnets using a compass. The method is described in a number of publications so I won’t go into details here.
Another cause of low voltage from the magneto is wear on the engine’s main bearings! As the bearings wear the space between the magnets and the coils increases and the voltage drops rapidly! During the Model “T” era, a number of companies offered gadgets designed to control the end-play to keep the magnets near the magneto coils but I know of none that are available today. About the only solution I know of is to rebuild the engine and set the clearance correctly when you reassemble.
The last set of problems we can run across with the magneto are no voltage at all! This will generally be caused by a shorted or open magneto coil. The magneto coils have to withstand a very hostile environment. They are constantly bombarded with very hot oil which has minute particle of metal in it! If some of these particles work their way through the insulation a short may result. Sometimes it is possible to burn a short off by using the same setup we use to recharge the magnets. A heavy jolt of high amperage current for 10 to 15 seconds may burn off the shorting material. This method is not for the “faint of heart” though.
An open magneto coil system is also a possibility. Unfortunately, this usually can not be repaired without disassembling the engine.
And one last place to check when you have no or low voltage is the magneto contact terminal on the top of the hogshead. Sometimes fluff from the bands will build up here and work its way between the solder point on the coil assembly and the contact point of the terminal. It’s easy to check and should be the first thing you look at if you have a low output problem. Just take out the contact terminal and look for fluffy material on the solder point and contact point. Clean them and cross your fingers.
You can check the voltage with an inexpensive AC voltmeter. Yep! the magneto is alternating current not direct current like the battery. And by the way… The alternating current means that the spark lever should be set slightly differently for magneto running than for battery running. By careful experimentation, you’ll notice a definite “sweet spot” for the spark lever that the magneto and coils really like. Look for it! It’s well worth finding.
If your magneto just won’t “cut the mustard”, don’t give up! A 12 volt battery will make the old “T” run just about as well as the magneto and will actually run a little better at slow speeds because the magneto drops to 6 or 7 volts when crawling along in the parades.
See you down the road…
Spark Coils
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the March, 1999 issue of the Spark Coil.)
In our discussion of the Model “T” ignition system, we’ve talked about the timer or what Ford called the commutator and we’ve touched briefly on the magneto. Let’s spend a little time with a very important part of the Ford ignition… The coils.
Usually, when you hear someone say that the timer/coil system is unreliable, they probably had a problem with the coils. Coils that have a good condenser and good points that are set correctly do work well and do NOT require constant adjustment.
The original condenser in the Ford coil was a sheet of oiled or waxed paper and a sheet of tin-foil rolled together. Time has not been kind to these condensers and it is rare to find an original coil that still has a good condenser. The purpose of the condenser was to decrease the electrical arcing across the points and to strengthen the voltage to the spark plug. If you test a coil and it buzzes nicely but there is a very weak output across a test gap, a new condenser is probably needed. Most of the “T” suppliers sell a set of four at a small cost. They will be shaped differently than the original but they will work quite well. The replacement condenser should be .47 micofarads capacity and AT LEAST 200 working volts. Why 200 volts when it’s a 6 to 27 volt system, you ask? Because the transient voltage surges across the points will be much higher for very brief periods and a condenser with a lower working voltage will quickly be destroyed. You can buy condensers at your favorite Radio Shack but DON’T DO IT! The ones R.S. sells are made using a micro-thin mylar film and they won’t stand the voltage surges present in the “T” coil. Get the ones from your “T” supplier.
Once you have them, getting them into the coil is not a job for the impatient or those who lose their tempers easily! You must chip out the tar to make a space for the new condenser and you must clear the tar at the connections so you solder the new condenser across the points. It’s generally a messy job but it can be done. After replacing the condenser, put on a new set of KW points and you’re ready to adjust your rebuilt coil.
When the “T” was general transportation, every Ford dealer had a coil tester that allowed quick and accurate adjustment. Many of those are still around but they bring a fancy price when you can find one. Most of the suppliers offer a small tester that clips to a 6 or 12 volt battery and allows you to set the amperage the coil draws. While not as good as the original testers, they do allow you to adjust your coils so they all draw a similar amount of current. The correct current flow is 1.3 to 1.5 amps. Higher current causes increased wear of the points and increased load on the coil windings. Too much or too little current will frequently show up in a magneto system as intermittent misfires. I have the coils in the 1912 Touring set at 1.2 amp which seems to work well with the mag.
To adjust the current draw, you place a screw-driver under the lower point where the point assembly is screwed to the box and pry up slightly to LOWER the current draw. To increase the current, tap the end of the lower point assembly lightly with a hammer to bend the assembly up and incease the tension between the two point contacts. Once set correctly, a set of points should last for thousands of miles without being re-adjusted or replaced.
The “Model T Ford Club of America” sells an excellent book on the “T” electrical system which goes into far more detail on testing and adjusting the Model “T” coils and I recommend it highly! The book is inexpensive and packed with good information on the whole “T” electrical system.
If all this sounds like a lot of work, you might prefer to let an expert rebuild your coils for you. They will come back with the box refinished, a new condenser and points and each coil will be correctly adjusted. Most of the suppliers offer rebuilt coils. There are also several individuals who advertise in “Vintage Ford”. They specialize in rebuilding coils. One that I have dealt with personally is Ron Patterson.
See you down the road…
Spark Plugs
By E. Meloan(This article was originally published in the May, 1999 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Our previous articles have touched on various parts of the Model T ignition system. We’ve talked about the timer, magneto and coils. Let’s finish up with a final, but vital, part of the ignition and talk about the choices of spark plugs that are now available for the T.
While some of us may not think so when watching the steam issue from the radiator, the Model T engine has a relatively cool combustion that’s typical of most of the low compression engines of the early 1900’s. This means we will need a fairly hot plug if we want to avoid fouling and get the best efficiency.
Plug temperatures were controlled by the length of the porcelain insulator that was exposed around the electrode inside the firing chamber. A long exposed area would transfer less heat through the plug body to the head and would heat up more.
All Model T’s came from the factory with Champion “X” plugs. This was a very good spark plug for the T engine with a hot heat range that was nearly ideal. Champion still makes these plugs but the price has risen from seventy five cents to between twenty-five and thirty dollars a plug! Of course you’ll use this plug if you are building a show car but for those of us who don’t have show cars and want dependable smooth engine operation there are other plugs available that won’t require a trip to the bank for a loan.
There are several choices available from all of the model T suppliers. I’ve tried all of them except the Autolite so let’s look at the various brands and what they cost.
The lowest priced plug is the autolite which not all suppliers even list. Langs does include it in their catalog. At the time I am writing this, the price listed is $3.40. As I mentioned, I have not tried this plug and would like to hear from anyone who has used it and how they liked it.
At very close to the same price, is the Ford Motorcraft 11 plug at $3.50. Now, you would think that Ford would know how to make a plug for thier own car but I have never been able to get this plug to work well! Looking at the plug, I am really puzzled by this. It’s obviously a hot plug and I can see no reason why it shouldn’t do a good job but I’ve tried it in several cars and with several plug gaps and have always ended up removing them after a few miles. They ran ok at crusing speeds but I was never satisfied with the idle.
Next in price is my favorite plug for a driving T! The Champion 25 plug. These plugs cost more but, in my opinion, they are worth the difference. They currently sell for slightly less than $9.00 each. They are a hot plug and provide smooth cruising and a very nice slow idle without a miss!
The most expensive plug is the Champion X plug. This plug works as well as the Champion 25 but at a much higher cost of $25 per plug. This plug has a tendency to widen its gap more quickly than any of the others because of the smaller diameter of the electrodes so you should check the gap more often with the X plug but they do run well. Be careful when gapping NOT to bend the center electrode and crack the porcelain!
The final option is the 14mm adapters which allow us to use modern plugs. I’m less than enthused about these for several reasons. They don’t look original, they provide more chances for compression leaks. Of course, they do let you use the seventy five cent plugs again!
Before leaving the subject of sparkplugs lets mention the correct gap. Ford recommended a very narrow 25/1000’s for the early T’s. He later increased the gap for T’s to 30/1000. I usually use 35/1000 and really can’t see much difference. I would NOT exceed 35 because of the additional strain on the secondary of the coils.
See you down the road…
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the September, 1998 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Gather a small group of Model “T” owners together and I promise you can get a lively discussion going just by innocently asking which timer works best on the “T”.
Let’s talk about the system Henry designed into our beloved T’s. A low voltage mechanical timer to send 6 volts to the coils. With something that simple nothing can go wrong, right? As all of us who have cussed this system know, there are several problems with this “low-tension” design.
Ford knew there were problems with the timers as evidenced by their continuous experiments with various materials and designs starting almost the day the “T” came out in 1909 and continuing right up until they last one came off the assembly line in 1927.
Henry buried the timer down on the front of the engine where it is not particularly easy to get at but it is certainly easy for oil, dirt and water to find it! If you’re using a conventional timer with a roller then a little oil is needed but it should be clean oil and it should be a small amount of oil.
The “Tiger” timer is the modern day equivalent of the original Ford timer. Some folks swear by them and others swear at them. To get reasonable life and smooth operation, the “Tiger” needs to be cleaned and oiled just about everytime we take our “T” out. Being a lazy guy, this is not my favorite timer!
Another popular timer design was the “New Day” timer. It was sold during the model “T” period and is still available today from any Model “T” parts supplier. The “New Day” uses a bakelite housing with a spring-loaded copper brush which wipes around and over for copper contacts. The timer case says, “Never needs oiling” but a little lubriplate smeared around the path of the rotating brush will greatly increase the life of the “New Day” timer. A quick wipe and fresh lubriplate every once in a while won’t hurt anything either but it is more maintenance free than the “Tiger”.
The problem with both these timers is the relatively short life they have. Most folks I’ve talked with say they replace these timers each season or about every 1000 miles. Back in the Model “T” period both these timers could be bought new for about a dollar to a dollar and a half but now you won’t get too much change when you hand the friendly parts man a ten and a twenty for one!
Which brings us to my favorite for long trouble free timer operation…
Again, back in the “T” era, there was a company that sold seemingly hundreds of gadgets and accessories for the Model “T”. The company was “The Anderson Company” and their product name was “Anco”. You’ll find many of their ads in the magazines of the period. One of their products was the “Anco” Timer. It used a different principle than the “Tiger” or the “New Day”. It used a spring-loaded steel brush which pressed against four steel fingers as it rotated around the housing. This eliminated the biggest problem with both the “Tiger” and the “New Day” which was the uneven wear between the metal contacts and the insulating material on either side of the contacts! The insulation, being softer, always wore faster and, sooner or later, caused the roller or brush to jump when it passed over the high/low spots! The Anco didn’t and doesn’t have this problem!
The Anderson Company and Anco are long gone but a fella by the name of Bob Thompson has resurrected the Anco design and upgraded it to use today’s modern high grade steel for the contacts and brush. Folks, this timer is a winner! Bob is so confident, he gives a 2 year warranty on it! Just like the “EverReady bunny”, it just keeps going and going! I’ve got one on my ’12 Touring that’s got 4000 miles on it now and it still ticks along like new!
You’ll find the ad for the Anderson timer in the Vintage Ford and I notice that Smith & Jones and Langs have them in their catalogs. They cost a little more but they’re well worth it. You probably won’t have to buy another one.
See you down the road…
Lubrication and Wheels
Adapting Wood Hubs to Wire Wheels
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the September, 2000 issue of the Spark Coil.)
At our last meeting there was a brief discussion about the wire spoke wheels that were available of the 1926 and 27 Fords. These are popular wheels and I think there’s good reason for that. These wheels were quite an engineering marvel when they first appeared. They were a solid welded unit which was very strong, durable and attractive in appearance.
The Model A Ford used the same design during all the years it was manufactured and the Model A and Model T wheels look alike to the casual observer. Model A wheels are different though. They have a slightly larger hub and different placement of the lug bolt holes. While it’s still not too hard to find good T wheels, they are not as easy to get as good model A ones and that has led some folks to use the 21 inch A wheels on their T’s. While wheels are not too hard to find, wire wheel T hubs are getting harder to find and are becoming more expensive when you can find good ones.
Larry Noller (Noller Conversions) in Colorado now offers adaptors which allow you to use a set of the readily available T wood wheel hubs with either Model T or Model A wire wheels. You do have to order the adaptors for one or the other. They do not fit both because of the difference in hub bolt hole location. These adaptors are very well made and fit beautifully. Combine them with a set of easy to find wood wheel hubs and you have a very nice set of wire wheel hubs! Most T suppliers have the Noller adaptors but you may have to ask for them.
Model A wheels came in two sizes. If we want the ones that look like T wheels, we will need to find the 1928/29 wheels that are 21 inches in diameter. They have the same distinctive rolled rim edge that the 21 inch T wheels have. The 1930/31 A wheels are 19 inches in diameter and have a simpler flat rim edge similar to modern steel rims.
The distinctive “rolled” rim of the T and early A wheels is the first place we want to check when buying wheels. This rolled edge tended to trap moisture which caused rust and you’ll find many of these wheels have small holes rusted completely through the inside area of the rolled edge where the tire is pressed against it. A few small holes do not necessarily mean the wheel is unusable but the more there are, the more concerned we should be about the weakness of the rim and the rust we can’t see on the inside! A few small holes can be fixed easily with JB Weld which stays there nicely. If you have a choice use wheels which have solid rims but with care you can use less than perfect ones.
While looking at the rims, roll the wheel on a smooth level surface and watch it carefully. A good rim will roll smoothly! If the rim suddenly leans as it rolls, there’s probably a flat spot caused by the rim being dropped against a hard surface. These flats can be corrected but it’s better if we don’t have to.
Look carefully for bent and broken spokes. Spokes can be straightened but they may indicate a blow which has caused the wheel to be bent and this will cause a wobble! Broken spokes can be welded back to the rim but again, the force that broke the spoke hints at possible wobble.
Next check the lug bolt holes. Look at the back side of the hole for cracks and enlarged holes which allow the hub bolt to come clear through the wheel! It’s a good idea to use a good lug nut to check the holes.
If the wheel passes all these tests, bolt it on your front axle and spin it! Put a yard stick up against it and check for side wobble. There’s usually a little. Anything less than 1/4 inch is probably acceptable. The less the better! Also look across the top as it spins and see if it wobbles up and down. Again, 1/4 inch should be the maximum and less is better.
These wheels are stronger and safer than the 80 year-old wood wheels and they look great!
See you down the road…
Front Axle Setting and Front Wheel Bearings
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the November, 2001 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Hi fellow Model T’ers!
Let’s spend a little time talking about one of the most neglected areas of our Model T. The front axle and wheel bearings… As long as the front wheels turn and the steering isn’t too bad, many of us tend to just assume all is well up front. Maybe so, but do you realize that you expend more energy steering your T than in doing anything else while driving? Murray Fahnestock used to say that you might as well run your tires flat if you didn’t have the front end in alignment because you’d certainly grind off more rubber with incorrect toe-in!
The three settings we want set correctly are Toe-in (called “gather” in the Model T days), Caster (called rake) and Camber. Ford recommended 3/16 inch toe-in. As mentioned above, incorrect toe-in can wear out a brand new tire in a couple of hundred miles!
Caster is the backward slant (bottom being further forward than top) of the axle and, in the T, was controlled by a built-in slant in the spring perches. This brings up an important point… It’s not uncommon for spring perches to be installed on the wrong ends of the axle thus giving a negative caster! Early spring perches (with the radius rod ABOVE the axle had the rear of the perch rounded facing the rear. This was to give clearance and eliminate the need for a sharp angle on the radius rod that could fracture. The later spring perches (radius rod below the axle) had the boss or lathe center facing the rear. The correct caster is 5 1/2 degrees. Reversing the perches will cause a negative caster and make the car very unpredictable. Remember how a bicycle acts when you try to back up?
Camber is what gives our T’s the “bow-legged” look. It is designed to get the contact point, where the tire touches the road, as close as possible to directly under the pivot point of the axle and spindle. This makes turning much easier. The correct camber is 3 degrees. Measure between the two front wheels at the top of the wheel and again at the bottom and there should be a difference of about 3 inches. Camber is controlled by the angle of the front wheel spindles.
One quick note… a loose front radius rod ball joint can cause front wheel shimmy! Front radius rod joints should always be safety wired and the ball should be a good fit with very little play in the socket.
Front wheel bearings should be inspected and greased at regular intervals. Ford suggested every 500 miles but once a year should be fine for most of us. If you’re going to tour the US, you will want to do it more often. When replacing the outer bearing, screw it up SNUG and then back off 1/4 to 1/2 turn. A correctly tightened bearing will allow the valve stem to turn the wheel to the bottom but there will be no play in the bearing when you press in and out on the top of the wheel. Be careful that any play you see is actually bearing play and NOT king pin play. You can eliminate king pin play by driving a chisel between the axle and spindle to take up any king pin movement. Folks with balanced wheels may not see the valve stem move the wheel but the bearing should be loose enough to allow that kind of free turning. It’s better to have a bearing a little too loose than to have it too tight!
Worn out king pins and bushings can also contribute to front wheel shimmy. To check for king pin play, jack up a front wheel and then see how much in/out movement you have when alternately pressing in and out at the top and bottom of the wheel. Be careful that you are not seeing play in the wheel bearings! Frequent oiling of king pins, tie rods and drag link balls will help to extend the life of these joints. Since they are
lubricated with oil, they need to be lubricated much more frequently that joints which have grease.
We’ve covered the high spots of the front-end. Until our next column, I’ll
See you down the road…
Lubricating and Adjusting Front Wheel Bearings
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the January, 2003 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy, fellow Model T’ers! I’d like to talk a little bit about the front wheel bearings on our Model T’s.
The wheel bearings are often an area that gets very little attention until it’s too late! When is the last time you inspected your front wheel bearings and repacked them? It probably should be done at least once a year and more often if you still have the early Ford ball bearings!
Jack up the front axle and put a couple of jack stands under there and we’ll take a look at our bearings…
Once we get the wheels off the ground, remove the hubcap. This is best done with the strange looking Ford wrench that’s available from all the T suppliers for a very reasonable price. It’s a flat piece of steel about 7 or so inches in length with several odd shaped holes. The largest of these is a nice fit on the end of the T hubcap and will help you remove it without damaging the cap! I usually put a paper shop towel over the cap and then put the tool on that to lessen the possibility of scratches.
With cap off, remove the cotter pin and unscrew the large nut. Don’t forget that the passenger side nut is a reverse thread! You will have tough time getting it off if you turn it the normal counter-clockwise direction to loosen it! Lay the nut on a clean cloth along with the cotter pin and remove the special washer that has a projection that fits in the slot on the spindle and keeps the washer (and nut) from turning.
Now, grab your hubcap removal tool and you will find that another opening on the tool fits the flat places on the edge of the taper bearing. Unscrew the bearing and lay it on the clean towel. You can now gently pull the wheel toward you and off the spindle. Remove the dust cap on the rear side of the wheel and take out the large inner bearing. Add it to the shop towel. Now we’re ready to do some inspecting. I like to put a blanket over the top of a 30 gallon trash can and gently lay the wheel down flat on the can. With a good light, we want to look very carefully at the front bearing race. The race should be snug in the wheel hub. You should NOT be able to move it! Wipe any grease off with a clean rag. The race surface should be shiny with NO pits or discoloration from heat. If you see any pits, you will need to replace the race. If not, you can probably re-use it. Now, turn the wheel over and do the same inspection of the race in the back of the wheel. Again, checking carefully for pits or heat discoloration. If this race passes inspection, you are ready to clean, inspect and repack the bearings.
Do NOT clean the bearings with mineral spirits or kerosene! These will leave a film on the bearings which will mix with the new grease and can cause it to break down and lose its lubricating effectiveness! I use lacquer thinner and have used gasoline in the past. Put the bearings in a clean can and pour in some thinner. Swish them around and dry them with a clean rag. It’s best not to spin the bearings, without lubricant, using compressed air. When clean, check the bearings just as you did the races. If any of the rollers have pits, the bearings will need to be replaced. Spin them with your hand and they should spin freely with no catching or hesitation. If they are ok, grab a glob of wheel-bearing grease and put it in your palm. Work the grease into the bearing until all the rollers are coated. Replace the rear bearing in the hub and carefully tap the dust retainer back on. There are modern retainers with a silicon rubber seal that do a much better job than the original retainers!
Put the wheel on the spindle and screw the front bearing onto the spindle. Screw the bearing up and tighten it snuggly. Then, back the bearing off about 1/4 turn. The wheel should spin easily and stop with the valve stem at the bottom. If it won’t, the bearing is too tight! Put on the washer and tighten the nut. Make sure the nut doesn’t cause the bearing to tighten so much it binds the wheel! Replace the cotter pin and hubcap. Do the other side and We’re ready for another year.
See you down the road…
Oil & Grease Leaks
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the March, 2000 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy Fellow Model T’ers! This issue we’ll talk a little about oil and grease leaks in our T’s. Henry Ford was quoted as saying, “If it isn’t dripping, it’s out of oil.” I guess that’s true but it’s always nice not to leave a large black oil spot when we drive away from a parking spot!
Let’s start at the front and work our way back. The front seal around the crankshaft is almost always a culprit when looking for leaks. This results in oil on the fan belt which looks bad and causes slipping and earlier failure of the belt. Stopping this leak requires removal and disassembly of the engine! One suggestion to keep the oil off the belt is to remove the crank pulley and slip one or two of the felt washers used in the rear axle bearing cap over the crankshaft then replace the pulley.
Got drips from the pan bolts? There are a couple of easy fixes that work well. A few turns of string around the bolt before you tighten it will act as a seal to keep the oil where it belongs. Several of the T parts suppliers sell a package of plastic washers which will also do the job nicely. The assortment includes the pan bolts, hogshead cover screws, and rear end grease plug.
Our next potential leak is the felt seal around the front of the transmission cover (hogshead). About as many methods as there are Model T’s have been tried over the years. Be careful about using extra felts because this can force the cover out of alignment which can pull the crankcase out of line! Careful use of gasket sealer will usually work. Put a heavier application of sealer at the two corners where the felt joins the cork side gaskets. That’s always a trouble spot for leaks.
While we’re in this area… Check the four screws that hold the starter bendix cover on. They must be tight! If loose. They will leak oil and they may come out allowing the cover to come off. If that happens, you will lose ALL your oil in a minute or two! Henry didn’t put lock washers on these four screws but I would suggest that we should!
The pedal shafts are another potential leak area. There really is no provision inside the hogshead to prevent oil from working out around the three shafts. The more they are worn, the more they will leak! The early aluminum covers, being softer, are quicker to wear and so are very likely to leak badly. One suggested fix is to remove the cams and make a small inset in the side that bolts against the cover. Place a rubber “O” ring in the inset, slide the shaft through and rebolt on the cover.
The “4th main bearing” at the rear of the transmission cover is a possible source of oil drips right in front of the universal joint. Make sure the gaskets between the rear cap and the universal joint cap are in place on BOTH sides of the cap and the bolts are tight.
Let’s talk about rear wheel grease leaks… By far the largest cause of messy grease leaking out around the axles in too much grease in the differential! A very small amount of 600 weight grease is needed. The ring gear will pick it up and throw it around. You should not have grease up to the level of the filler hole. An inch and a half or two inches deep is enough.
If you notice grease leaking on the driver side rear wheel but not on the passenger side, check the end play in the axles. Jack up the rear end and see how much you can move the axles in and out. Chances are you’ll find quite a bit of play. When this happens, the ring gear is pushed toward the driver side wheel on every right turn and it acts like a pump to push grease into the left axle housing.
Does your T make differential grease? If so, you’ve got engine oil leaking past the 4th main and down the toque tube into the rear end. Keeps the drive shaft bearings lubricated but it’s eventually going to come out the axle ends!
Got something you’d like discussed? Let me know.
Rear End Lubricants
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the May, 2000 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy fellow Model T’ers! In our last column we talked about oil and grease leaks and how to control them. We briefly mentioned the rear end and I’d like to go into a little more detail on that area. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the right lubricant for our T differentials.
When the T was a new car, Henry recommended 600 weight gear lube. It’s still available from the T parts folks but you can’t just walk in your favorite local auto supply and get it. This lack of ready availability makes folks look longingly at the modern 90 and 140 weight gear lubricants. There are also some who like to add STP to the mix.
There are a couple of real “gotchas” associated with the modern lubricants! They can be downright distressful to our old T’s if we don’t watch out!
First… let’s look at the “real” 600w stuff. To be honest, it isn’t really all that good either. If you’ve ever heated some 600w to make it easier to pour into the rear-end, you know that warm 600w “ain’t” too thick when the temperature rises! Will it stay “put”? Reid Welch (a very respected Model T mechanic) says, “No, not at least by mere virtue of its being “600w” – not if it thins a great deal at running temperatures.” Staying “put”, as Reid puts it, is important for several reasons. It’s more likely to stay in the rear-end without leaking and it is less likely to squeeze out of the gears where it is supposed to be lubricating!
This is where the idea of adding some STP came into the mix. STP sticks to the gears and bearings and helps prevent the loss of lubrication when the temperature rises.
So…. If 600 weight isn’t so good, why can’t we just stroll down to Auto Zone and get some EP140?
Once again, Reid Welch… “As always. Lubing a stock rear end is an exercise in compromise. EP additives extend gear life but cannot be used safely with bronze (or babbit) in the axle.”
EP gear lubricants contain phosphorus and sulphur based additives which are corrosive to bronze, brass and babbit!
Aaron Griffey had the following to say about the subject… “You can not use GL5 lubricants with bronze. It must be GL4! No modern differentials have bronze thrust washers. They use tapered bearings instead. 600w is about the same thickness as 140 but is specially made without the additives that eat the original babbit thrust washers.”
So… The prevailing knowledge seems to suggest that if you have the original babbit thrust washers you should stick to the old 600w with maybe some STP added to it.
If you have the newer bronze thrust washers, you can use the modern 140 lube provided you use the GL4 version and not GL5.
Please note that all of the above applies to a standard T rear-end. Folks running a Ruckstell should use a lighter weight lubricant such as GL4 90.
One last thought before leaving the rear axle… To prevent grease leaks at the rear hubs, good sealing and modest filling are necessary! If you over fill nothing is going to prevent any weight of that extra grease from making its way onto your hubs, external brakes and those nice clean wheels!
See you down the road…
Maintenance Tips
Adjusting Model T Rod Bearings
by Glenn Storck
For folks who often drive their Model Ts, a strange “knocking” noise coming from the engine is inevitable. This noise will sound like a distant tapping of steel with a hammer. It is most evident with the engine running slightly above idle and traveling on a slight downhill grade at about twenty miles per hour. When this happens, it is time to take up the rod bearings. It is not a very complex job; it can be accomplished in a few hours’ time. No special tools are required. I have had to do this while on tour, once even on the banks of the Mississippi River in Natchez, Miss.
I have found it very helpful to remove the spark plugs to make it easier to turn the engine with the hand crank (don’t miss this opportunity to clean and gap your plugs). It is not necessary to drain the engine oil, but I don’t usually pass on the chance to change my oil either.
Next, remove the bolts holding the pan in place at the bottom of the engine block There are fourteen bolts holding the pan in place, so I use a socket and speed handle to remove them; you may have screws. When removing the pan, try to save the old gasket if you do not have a replacement available, and be prepared to catch the oil remaining in the dip troughs in the pan. There are two “U” shaped metal bars with threaded holes lying on the up side of the flanged engine opening. These holes line up with the pan holes to accommodate the pan mounting hardware. These strips will be loose and are used as a nut plate to hold the cover in place. Remove these strips and put with the cover to be cleaned before re-installing.
Now you are able to see the connecting rods by looking up inside the engine. To determine which rod bearing is loose, turn the engine over using the hand crank until two rod bearings are at the bottom of the stroke. You should not be able to move the connecting rod forward or backward by hand, so a light tapping with a small hammer may be necessary to move a properly adjusted bearing. If you can readily move the rod forward or backward, your bearing needs attention. Continue the inspection by bringing the remaining two connecting rods to the bottom of their strokes using the hand crank to rotate the engine. In most engines the number four cylinder will not be easily reachable because it is tucked under the front part of the flywheel housing. Do not despair because you will have enough room to feel the connecting rod for clearance. It will just require a slightly different method of adjusting the rod bearing.
After you have determined which rod bearing needs attention, the fun begins. The rod bearing cap is held in place with two bolts. Removing these two bolts will allow you to remove the rod cap; the lower part of the bearing. A word of caution before removing the two bolts and cap, make sure the cap is marked so that you will replace it in its correct original position. Usually, when an engine is rebuilt, each cap is identified with the cylinder number or marks made with a center punch or chisel. It does not hurt to put a mark indicating the bearing front.
Next, remove the cotter pins, or in some cases safety wire, from the cap bolts. If your engine is equipped with sheet metal oil dippers on the rod caps, you will need a thin walled 9⁄16 socket wrench to remove the nuts. Next you can remove the two nuts from the cap bolts. The cap may need a light tap to free it from the crank shaft. Remove the cap and two brass shims. Inspect the bearing material (babbitt) to make sure it is in good shape and there is sufficient material left. If your engine does not have brass shims you will have to file material from the cap until you obtain proper clearance. This is done by laying a file on a flat surface and drawing the cap across the file removing a small amount of material, then trial fitting the cap for clearance. Note: most engines that have been rebuilt have shims installed. The shims are laminated in layers, so it is a matter of peeling off one layer at a time. I use a sharp knife for this job. One layer is .002 inch, which you should verify using a micrometer. After you have done this a few times you will know what .002 inch feels like. This action of peeling off a shim layer to me is the most difficult part and I do not have a preferred method, so it is trial and error. Do this to only one shim before trial fitting the cap back on the connecting rod.
To assemble the cap with shims is difficult, so I have found a technique that works. Install the cap with one bolt and nut, with a couple of threads engaged. Before doing this put a thin film of motor oil on the rod bearing surface (rod journal). Then slip the shim into the other space while holding the bolt up until the shim is lined up with the bolt hole. Let the bolt come thru the holes and fasten it with a nut engaging a couple of threads. Do this to the remaining shim and bolt before tightening both nuts. Note: the bolt heads have a flat spot machined on their heads which will fit against the connecting rod and keep the bolt from turning while tightening. Now check the rod again for movement back and forth. If it is still loose remove one bolt and shim, peel off another shim layer before replacing it. Once you feel that the cap is adjusted properly, try turning the engine over using the hand crank. It should turn over without much effort. If you really have to put a lot of effort to do this, you probably have the rod bearing too tight and have to go back and replace a shim. If the fit seems satisfactory, it’s time to replace the oil dippers (if you have them) and tighten the bolts. After tightening, I use an aircraft stainless steel safety wire instead of cotter pins.
A word about the number four cylinder; because of its position and lack of clearance it will be necessary to position the connecting rod to provide access to the cap. To do this, rotate the engine by using the hand crank until the number four cap is at a 30º angle from the vertical when looking up at the engine. Remove the cap bolt and rotate the engine until the remaining bolt is at the 30º position opposite the first position (you should have rotated the engine 60º to get to this position). Now you can remove the last bolt and cap. A word of caution: Do not rotate the engine with a cap removed. Now continue as before with shims and continuing to check clearances before final tightening.
The next step in replacing the pan is to place two U-shaped nut plates in place. One will have a dip or bend at the bottom of the U; this is the rear plate. A center punch or drift is useful to position the pan cover, nut plate, and gasket before placing the screws. I have found a little silicone placed under the pan screw heads helps to prevent oil leaks. Now it’s time to replace the oil and spark plugs.
Start the engine, check for oil leaks, and go for a drive. It is not necessary to have a break-in period, so drive normally and have fun!
General Tips
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the January, 2001 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy fellow Model T’ers! I’d like to use the next column or two to talk about some short items that really don’t warrant a whole column but are things folks ask about from time to time. If you know of a good tip or method of doing some repair or adjustment,
Gas Lines… The original factory gas line from the tank to the carburetor on the Model T was made of brass. It varied in how it was made over the years but it was always brass. It was NOT copper! A quick look at the lines on T’s on the tours will reveal that an awful lot of them are soft copper. Soft copper is illegal in some states because it will fatigue from vibration and break! The break is almost always at the carburetor end because that’s where most of the engine vibration is. A broken gas line is not a pleasant experience! At the least, it’s a nuisance to repair and it’s not a very good idea to have a stream of gasoline splashing on the hot exhaust manifold and pipe! The auto suppliers carry pre-formed steel brake lines which make very nice steel gas lines for our T’s. If you’re running copper, consider replacing with a steel line.
Tire Pressure… I know we’ve talked about this in the past but it keeps coming up. 30 inch clincher tires MUST have at least 50 to 55 pounds of air pressure! Less than 50 pounds will allow the tire and tube to creep on the rim and cut off the valve stem. It also causes rim cuts. 21 inch tires take 35 pounds.
Timing Gears…Originally, Ford used a cast iron gear. They still work well but are noisier than fiber. A Fiber gear works well in a T without a generator and will work for a while in a T with a generator but the generator does increase the strain on a fiber gear. Originally, fiber gears were laminated layers of fabric impregnated with binders at high pressure. These were tough gears! Modern fiber gears are frequently not made of laminations but are simply molded ground up material. They do not last as well as laminated gears. The T suppliers also sell an aluminum gear which is a better choice when running a generator. It will stand up better than a fiber gear but no better than the original cast iron one. Bronze gears are also available but are really not needed unless you are running an overhead valve conversion.
Lubricating King Pins & Shackles… Ever feel like the oil runs out of the king pins faster than you can fill the little oil cups? Bill Eads (Model T Nuts) says he uses a mixture 90% 600w and 10% 30 w oil. Sounds like a great idea! A mixture of STP and motor oil would also probably work well. Ever get tired of unscrewing the spring shackle grease cups, filling, screwing, unscrewing, filling… You get the idea. You can hide a modern pressure grease fitting inside the original cup and then use your modern grease gun. Just tap the inside of the cup, coat the new fitting with JB Weld and screw it in. Let the JB Weld cure and that’s it! Just take off the cup cap and grease away. Keeps the original look too.
Timers and Top Dead Center… When it comes to setting the timer to fire plug one at TDC, all timers are NOT alike! The neat little wrench Ford provided and T suppliers sell will set the rod at the correct place for an ORIGINAL Ford timer. It will not set it correctly for some Tigers and ALL New Days. Don’t use the gadget and then crank assuming it will be correct! You will probably get an unpleasant surprise! Remove plug one and carefully turn the engine over till the piston is at TDC on the compression stroke. Putting your thumb over the spark plug hole will tell you when the compression stroke starts (you’ll feel pressure against your thumb). With the piston at TDC the number one coil should just begin to buzz when you pull the spark lever down a notch. Bob Thompson suggets a different method for the Anderson Timer so read his directions with care.
See you down the road…
Spring Checkup After Winter Storage
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the March, 2001 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy Fellow Model T’ers! Spring is fast approaching and we all want to get our cars back on the road after a colder than normal winter. I thought we might briefly review the things we will want to check to get our cars ready for fun as the warmer weather arrives.
Let’s start at the front and work our way back… We’ll need to fill the radiator unless the car has been filled with anti-freeze. Either way, add water until it’s about an inch deep in the top tank. That’s all we need and more will simply run out the overflow or around the radiator cap. Now’s a good time to check for leaks around hose connections and, if you have one, the water pump packing nut. No leaks?? Great! You will want to add a can of rust inhibitor or a gallon of antifreeze will do the same and raise the boiling point a few degrees.
Now let’s check the spark plugs. Hopefully, they will be clean with a light tan color on the insulator around the center electrode. If the insulator is white and blistered, a cooler plug may be needed but that’s rare since our low compression T engines burn pretty cool and usually need a hotter plug rather than a colder one. If you clean the plugs, be careful not to roughen the insulator which will cause it to foul more easily. A dry sooty insulator and electrode indicates too rich a mixture and an oily residue means we probably have too much oil in the engine or our rings are letting some oil leak past. If using coils, set the plug gap around 30/1000’s. Distributor systems can be 35/1000’s and with high a voltage coil 40/1000’s should work well. Don’t over-tighten plugs when putting them in. Just tight enough to keep them from leaking. If using modern 14mm plugs, tighten till snug and then go another quarter turn.
If you drained the carburetor and tank, put in some fresh gas and open the valve on the bottom of the carburetor to let the gas wash out any trash that has accumulated while stored. If the tank has gas, it’s still a good idea to let a little drain out to wash out the carburetor.
Now is a good time to drain the oil and refill with fresh oil. If you don’t mind using an extra quart, you can pour one quart while the crankcase plug is still off and you’ll get some more of the dirty oil in the rod dips of the pan. Replace the crankcase plug and pour in 3 1/2 to 4 quarts of oil. Wait a few minutes and, with the car level, open the bottom petcock. You should get a steady stream. When checking oil by opening the petcocks, do not assume you have oil if you get only a few drops! You will always get that even if the oil level is below the petcock because of capillary action! There must be a steady stream. The ideal oil level is half way between the two petcocks but I like to have it high enough to run out of the top one. Then I know it’s got plenty of oil. I use a brass and glass sight gauge, sold by any of the T suppliers, and that lets me know exactly how much oil I have without crawling under and getting dirty opening a petcock! What oil?? I have used 10w30 for many years and have never had a problem.
If you use a timer, open it up and wipe it clean.Check the rotor and contacts for wear and if it’s a tiger give it a light coating of oil. If a New Day or Anderson, a little vaseline on the rotor and contacts will add to the life of the timer.
If you are running coils, nows the time to check the points and, if worn, replace them. If the car has been sitting for a while, it may help to take a business card or 600 grit sandpaper and run it between the points a couple of times. When sitting, the points will sometimes get some film or corrosion which will make the coils miss-fire. Make sure the spark is retarded, turn on the key on battery and turn the engine over slowly to make sure all four coils are buzzing. If you have a distributor, a quick pass between the points on it will also insure a good electrical contact. I once could not get my T to start after sitting for a few weeks. Cleaning the points was all it needed but I didn’t think of that until I had worn out my arm!
These checks will help us get our car running smoothly. Climb in, give her some gas and I’ll,
See you down the road…
Spring Part II & Long Term Storage
by E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the July, 2001 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy, fellow Model T’ers! In our last issue, we talked about getting a T ready to drive after being stored for the winter. Let’s touch on a few more things that may help when bringing a stored T to life. I’ll also talk a little about storing a T.
Ok… we’ve changed the oil, put in water with a rust inhibitor or, better still, put in anti-freeze and there’s fresh gas in the tank. We also have charged the battery. But what if the T won’t start…
If we have fresh gas and opening the petcock on the carburetor gives us a good stream of clean gas, then we might want to check the ignition system. Disconnect the plug wires at the spark plug and position them near the base of the plug. There are two reasons for doing this. First, we can see what kind of spark we’re actually getting at each plug and second, if there’s a short in the timer wiring, the engine won’t kick back while we are hand cranking it. Turn the ignition switch to BAT and slowly turn the engine over with the hand crank. Watch the coils and make sure that each one buzzes and that only one buzzes at a time! The plugs should fire in the order 1,2,4,3. If two coils buzz at once, you have a short in the coil primary wiring. The most common shorts are at the timer connections. This might be a good time to mention that the engine pan bolt under the timer should be put in with the nut under the pan instead of on top as all the other bolts are! If this bolt is put in like the others, it’s very likely to short against a timer connection.
When you have all the coils working with a good spark at the plug, turn off the ignition and replace the plug wires. Make sure the spark lever is all the way up (some cars seem to start better if the spark is a notch or two down from the top). Set the gas lever 3 or 4 notches from the top, open the gas mixture about a quarter to a half turn richer than normal, pull out the choke and give her a try. If you feel the mixture control isn’t set correctly from the last time the car ran… turn it gently down until it’s completely closed (don’t force it or you will score the needle and seat) and then open it about a turn and a quarter to a turn and a half. That’s usually a good starting position.
Now let’s touch briefly on storing a car that won’t be used for a long period of time. Some folks like to mix some two stroke engine oil with a small quantity of gas and run the engine for a few minutes with the mixture. The two stroke oil tends to lubricate the upper end and will stay on surfaces for years. Next, drain the gas tank and carburetor! Modern gasoline begins to deteriorate on about a month! If left in the tank and carburetor it will turn to varnish and you’ll have a real mess to clean out when you try to get the car running again!
Jack up the car and place jack stands under the axles at all four wheels. By the way… Never jack a T up by putting a jack under the differential! The Model T differential housing is not strong enough to support the weight of the T on that one point and a sprung differential and axles are very likely! Check the tire pressures. 25 to 30 pounds in 21 inch tires and 45 to 50 pounds in clinchers should do the job. A slightly lower pressure than normal will take some strain off the tires but let them keep their normal shape.
Taking the weight off the wheels is also a good idea for the wood spoke wheels. The weight of the car is normally on the bottom two spokes in each wheel. Over time, this constant pressure can compress the bottom spokes enough to cause them to be loose.
Drain the oil and pour in four quarts of new oil. Drain the radiator. Remove the spark plugs and squirt some engine oil in each cylinder. Do replace the spark plugs so moisture can’t get in.
Remove the battery. Don’t store on a cement floor as it will discharge the battery. That should do it. When you’re ready to roll at some future date, the start-up should go much faster.
See you down the road…
Tips for New Owners
More Tips for New Owners
by E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the September, 2002 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Continuing last issue’s tips for new T drivers…
Setting the spark and fuel mixture correctly is very important to prevent engine overheating and fouling!
Start the car with the spark retarded but drive with it advanced as much as possible without causing spark knock! In a car with the timer positioned correctly, the spark lever will usually produce the best results when advanced more than half way down the quadrant. Some folks like to set their timer position to produce maximum high speed power when the spark lever is pulled all the way down. You can usually tell the point at which the spark timing produces the most power. Going further, you will begin to feel a loss of energy.
Running with the spark too retarded will quickly cause the engine temperature to rise. When in a parade, we all like to retard the engine to get that nice distinctive Model T idle that sounds SO good. But when we do that, the engine temperature will rise fairly rapidly. Since we are barely moving, a parade is a challenge for the cooling system under the best of conditions. Retarding the spark makes the system work much harder to cool.
If you like to retard the spark, watch your MotoMeter or temperature gauge and when the temperature begins to climb past normal, advance the spark and give the engine a chance to cool back down. I always wonder how many folks who have over-heating problems in parades are running with the spark retarded to show off that neat “T” sound.
Another cause of overheating that is frequently overlooked is the fuel mixture. Running with the fuel set too lean will cause a loss of power and increase in engine operating temperature. Setting the mixture richer will
cause a noticeable decrease in engine temperature. Setting it too rich is not a good idea either because too rich a mixture will cause sooting and rapid plug fouling.
See you down the road…
What Oil for T’s
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the September, 2002 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Hi fellow Model T’ers! A question came through the E-Mail Model T a few weeks ago that made me realize that some of the things we “old timers” take for granted may not be known to new folks who are just getting their first Model T. With that in mind, I thought we might discuss some things that might be helpful to a new owner.
Let’s begin with one of the most common questions asked by new owners. “What oil should I use?” Ask a group of T owners that and your probably get at least three or four answers… ALL different! Some owners will suggest that you use a non-detergent single weight oil. Probably 30 weight if the engine is in good shape and 40 weight for an older loose engine. While there is nothing in this advice that will do any harm, I don’t believe it is the best oil for our T’s.
Modern multi-viscosity oils with detergents might almost have been made with the Model T in mind! They keep the dirt in suspension rather than letting it coat the insides of the engine provided we do our part and change the oil reasonably often. They control foaming and the T engine surely needs that with those sixteen magnets churning up the oil! They don’t thicken in cold weather, making the car much easier to start. And, they maintain their viscosity and lubricating qualities when the engine gets hot during the summer. Pretty good reasons to use them!
The one place where a non-detergent single viscosity oil might be good would be in a newly rebuilt engine for the first 500 to 1000 miles. The superior lubricating qualities of the multi-viscosity oils probably prevent the small amount of wear we want so that rings will seal and parts will wear in and seat themselves. After 1000 miles with non-detergent, I’d switch to the multi-viscosity detergent oil.
There has been considerable discussion about whether it’s ok to use a detergent oil in an old engine that has built up a lot of varnish and deposits over the years. Some folks feared that switching to a detergent oil would cause these deposits to loosen and clog the small oil holes in the bearings.
The research departments of a number of major oil companies have tested detergent oils in heavily coated old engines and found that rapid loosening of the deposits does not occur. Instead, a gradual washing away of the deposits takes place over a period of time with the engine becoming cleaner and cleaner. This does suggest that if we begin using detergent oil in an old, dirty engine, it might be a good idea to change the oil much more frequently the first few times. Maybe after the first 100 miles and then every couple hundred miles up to the first 1000.
Multi-viscosity oil can really make a difference when starting your Model T! You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much easer the engine will turn over with a good multi-weight oil. This is certainly true in winter but can even be felt in summer as well.
So… what weight oil is best. A number of weights have been recommended in various discussion groups but I have found plain 10w30 to work as well as any. It’s easy to find and relatively inexpensive. If I had a worn engine, I might move up to the slightly thicker 10w40 to add a little more cushion and help the leakage somewhat.
The oil troughs under the rods catch a fair amount of oil and, when we are changing it, these troughs keep a lot of dirty oil in the crankcase which immediately mixes with the fresh new oil. There’s an old saying amongst the old-timers… “A half gallon of clean oil added to a half gallon of dirty oil makes a gallon of dirty oil!” One way to get some of this dirty oil out is to jack up the front of the car as high as you can, leave the drain plug out, and pour a quart of clean oil in the engine. You’ll be surprised at the additional dirty oil you’ll see coming out the drain! Put in the drain cap, let the car down and add your new oil. I’ve found that it takes about 3 and a half quarts when the troughs are already full. It’s not a bad idea to add the other half quart as oil helps cool the engine. The down side of too much oil is that the T engine will tend to smoke more if not in good mechanical condition.
When checking oil, open the top petcock. If you have flow there, you have more oil then you need. If no flow, open the bottom petcock. If no flow there, you better be opening a few cans post haste! Be sure it is a stream and not just a drop or two. You can get a drop even when the oil is below the petcock!
We’ll continue these tips for new T owners and drivers in our next issue. Until then,
I’ll see you down the road…
Brakes and Wood Spokes
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the January, 2000 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy fellow Model T’ers! Last issue we talked about potential problems when touring in our T’s. Before we leave that subject let’s talk a little more about areas that may make our tours safer.
We mentioned Rocky Mountain brakes as a very desirable addition to any Model T that you plan to drive (and that includes them all! Right?) Seriously, RM Brakes can save your life and you don’t have to go on long tours for that to be true! Only a few days after I had added them to my 12 Touring, a fella in modern iron came through a stop sign and right into the path of our T. We were going about 30 mph and I literally stomped on the brake pedal. The new RM brakes locked both rear wheels and we missed that guy by inches! We were only two blocks from home!
The RM brakes for the pre-large drum rear axles come with new 11 inch drums. These alone would increase the braking on small drum T but you also have the added feature of self energizing brake bands which really help the mechanical advantage you have when pressing the pedal. Everytime I touch that brake pedal I am reminded of how nice those new brakes feel and how well they work. Drive a T with them and I promise you’ll want a set! And… they take a lot of strain off the universal joint, drive shaft, differential and rear axles!
One thing you DO want to do though… You want to keep the old internal brake but adjust it to only work during the last inch or two of pedal travel. There a several reasons for keeping the old brakes operating. The RM self-energizing brake feature works great moving forward but it makes the RM’s almost useless for driving in reverse. Backing off your trailer, for example!
The other reason for keeping the old band brake working is that the external RM’s will NOT work when wet!! NOTE THAT or you’re likely to find life interesting when you try to stop at an intersection after going through a big puddle of water <smile>!!
Many of us are driving on wooden spokes that are 80 years old. There’s nothing wrong with this IF the spokes are in good condition but if they aren’t we are betting our lives and the lives of our families that they won’t fail!
One of the common problems with the Model T wood spoke wheels is loose hub bolts. As the spokes swell and shrink, they can cause the hub bolts to loosen over time. Loose spokes will usually complain loudly to us if we simply listen to them. When driving at slow speeds, loose spokes will click with each revolution of the wheel. When you hear that very clear clicking, it’s time to tighten the hub bolts and if that doesn’t do it some shims may need to be installed between each spoke and the next one. Usually thightening the hub bolts will fix the problem.
If spokes are going to fail, they will almost always do it when turning, which puts a side strain on the front wheel spokes, or when you let a wheel drop off the pavement and onto the shoulder of the road. We yank the wheel to force the wheel back up onto the road and, when we do that, we are putting a tremendous side strain on the spokes! If you let a front or rear wheel drop off the road, slow down and gently bring the car back on the pavement. Don’t yank the wheel sharply!
On one of our summer tours in the mountains a touring car lost BOTH back wheels. The spokes were new and I suspect the driver let one rear wheel drop off the edge! The strain caused the spokes to fail on that wheel and when the car dropped, the other rear wheel spokes failed as well. The car happened to be where the mountain went UP at the side of the road but we had driven past a number of places where the road dropped straight down. Picture what might have happened had it been at one of those. It’s enough to make you check your own spokes!
In short… we put our safety on line with those four old wheels everytime we drive our T. See you down the road…
Preparation for Driving on Mountain Tours
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the May, 2001 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy, fellow Model T’ers! Summer is here and, some of us will be touring on some beautiful mountain roads in our T’s. The upcoming Horseless Carriage Club of America’s Atlanta Region “Great Smokey Mountain Tour” is one of many mountain tours planned by various clubs this summer and is a great chance to try our driving skills and cars. Driving in the mountains can be a lot of fun and the cooler temperatures and spectacular scenery can make it a trip to remember. But to make sure we have a trouble free trip, there are some things we can do to make our mountain driving safer and more enjoyable.
Mountain driving can be a challenge to any antique automobile but it is especially so for our two-speed Model T’s. This is one place where a second gear would be a great help! But equally important is the ability to slow down or stop completely on steep mountain grades. So, our bands must be in good condition and adjusted properly if we are to enjoy a safe ride. Careful use of the pedals will also help the bands maintain their
ability to work reliably.
Our wood spoke wheels also experience additional strain in mountain driving as does the cooling system. All these things are important but with a little care and preparation we can have a trouble-free trip.
The cooling system should be clean and filled with water and a good anti-corrosion additive or a 50/50 mixture of antifreeze. Cooling is slightly more efficient with water than antifreeze. If you have a water pump, check the packing for leaks and inspect the fan belt. If the belt is good, check the tension. It will need to be higher for a water pump but you don’t want it any tighter than necessary to turn the fan and pump. The spark lever also affects cooling. Run your spark at the point where the engine has the most power without knocking. If you encounter a steep grade, retarding the spark can help the engine pull more easily.
Check your wood spokes!! If they are loose, you are inviting a disaster! Wood wheels should never click or groan! If they do, find out why. Would you like to have a wheel collapse as you go around a sharp mountain turn with a drop of hundreds of feet right at the edge of the road? I have seen it happen! Check your wood spokes!!
Check your tire pressures. Not less than 50 pounds in 30 inch clinchers and 35 pounds in 21 inch balloon tires. Less than 50 in a clincher will invite a blowout or at least a severed valve stem!
Inspect your bands and replace if worn. I suggest either Kevlar or wood. Kevlar is easier to install but both give good service. Don’t wait till the trip to adjust a new set of bands. Install them. Set them loosely, run them till they seat and then adjust once more. Kevlar and wood will then give long life if used properly. Setting them too tight will cause rapid wear and possible drum failure!
Getting long life out of bands is not hard. It just requires a little thought. The enemy of all bands is heat! We depend on the oil in the transmission to cool the bands. Heat is also generated when bands slip! If you must use low gear on a steep grade, press the pedal all the way down FIRMLY. Don’t let your foot relax and the low band slip! Try to anticipate when low will be needed and don’t wait until the engine is lugging and in
danger of stalling! That’s a good way to break a crankshaft in a T! If you do stall and your brakes won’t hold the car, cut your wheels IF THERE IS ROOM and let the car turn sideways in the road BEFORE it begins to pick up speed backwards. You do NOT want to be rolling backwards down a steep grade with cars behind you!
When slowing or stopping, press the brake pedal a couple of seconds and then release for a couple of seconds to allow oil to get in the band and cool it. Continue this on/off action as long as you are using the brake. The mountains are a great place to have Rocky Mountain Brakes! The same on/off action works with them as well. We want to allow the brake bands a time to cool.
Enjoy the mountain scenery and I’ll see you down the road...
“T” Pre-flight or Getting Ready for Touring
by Glenn Storck
The following routine has been very helpful for me when getting ready for a tour since I have a tendency to forget things. This procedure is divided into three sections: body, running gear, and engine.
I begin with a thorough visual inspection of the body and associated hardware; front to back and top to bottom. I look for anything loose, broken, about to fall off, or that just doesn’t look right. I tighten all loose bolts and nuts (not forgetting cotter pins). It is a good practice to periodically remove the steering wheel and gear cover to lube the three gear drive pinions. While under the car, I also making sure the exhaust system is tight.
I then move on to the running gear, looking at the brakes and linkages. Be sure to adjust if needed. Check the differential oil level, but do not overfill. I check the condition of wheel spokes for looseness, the tire pressure to make sure it is between 55 – 60 psi, and the wear and condition of tires. At the front end, check for looseness in the steering linkage and wheel bearings. I try to clean and repack the wheel bearings at least once a year. Check the grease cup for pitman arm on steering linkage and add grease if necessary; do this also at rear spring hangers. I also check the universal grease cup for grease and give it a twist.
Under the hood, I clean and gap the spark plugs at least once a year. I use a distributor on one car, so I file and gap the points at the same time as working on spark plugs. Oil where required in areas like the generator rear bearing, but too much oil will mess up the brushes in the generator, so be sure to use it sparingly (one to two drops). Clean and oil the commutator as required if running magneto. Oil the fan pulley by removing the brass screw and filling the cavity with motor oil. Also check the condition of the fan belt and adjust as needed. Change engine oil as required. I change ours every fifteen to twenty hours of driving. Do not forget to check the coolant level in the radiator and the water level in the battery, topping off as needed. Check the electrical system for proper operation, lights, charging, etc.
Always be on the lookout for any signs of wear, looseness, things out of adjustment, etc. I then wash the exterior and clean the interior with a damp rag. Finally, I was the windshield using a water and ammonia solution.
I have found this procedure to be very helpful in not forgetting anything and providing a safe journey.
Tires, Low Gear, and Brakes
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the November, 1999 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy, fellow Model T’ers! The summer touring season is over and Susan and I have had a lot of fun touring in Georgia, Tennessee and Mississippi this year. During those tours, I’ve seen some folks who have experienced problems I’d like to chat about.
A surprising number of folks who own Model T’s with 30×3 1/2 and 30×3 clincher tires do not know what the tire pressure in these clinchers should be! Several T’s had tire problems because the tires had too little air in them. Clincher tires require much higher pressures than the later 21 inch balloon tires. A clincher tire should be inflated to at least 50 pounds pressure and 55 to 60 is probably better! Lower pressures will allow the tire and tube to creep around the rim and will eventually cause the valve stem to be severed! I was watching as one gentleman with a very nice touring car, backed it out of his trailer at the beginning of one tour. The tires all looked low and, when I asked him what pressure he was running, he replied 35 pounds. 35 is great for a 21 incher but NOT for 30’s! Another fella, on a different tour, was remarking about having to change a flat and when I asked what happened, he said the valve stem was cut off. When I asked if he was using 35 pounds, he replied yes!
While on the subject of clincher rims and tires, I’d like to suggest that all clinchers should be installed with a tire flap. I realize there are some who don’t think they are necessary but flaps can eliminate many of the problems clinchers seem to have. They help protect from tube pinches when installing the tire and they help protect the tube in the area where the tire edges come together in the rim. While a little expensive, they can be used over and over and I feel they are well worth the cost. I once had a demountable clincher rim separate because of rust! The flap kept the tube protected and I was able to continue driving until I reached a service station and could change the tire safely.
Most of us know about the danger of the Model T low gear peddle going past center and locking in the low position but in case we have some new folks who don’t, lets mention it. One of the participants of the tour along the Natchez Trace had the very unsettling experience of pushing his pedal into low and having it lock there! He finally reached down and pulled it back with his hand but it is a scary feeling!
This problem can occur if low gear is allowed to become too loose. The pedal swings past the center of the linkage with the high speed clutch and is locked there! The fix is simply to tighten the low band so that the pedal cannot go down that far. When adjusting the low band, a good method is to loosen the band, push the pedal all the way down, and then tighten it until the pedal has been moved about two inches from the extreme down position. This should result in a good low that is not too tight on the drum but will give a solid engagement of low gear.
Lets talk briefly about the Model T brakes… While a well adjusted transmission brake can lock the rear wheels on a T, they are placing a terrible stress on the entire drive train when they do it! The normal ring and pinion ratio give you almost a 4 to 1 mechanical advantage when pressing the brake pedal but this advantage is also putting a tremendous strain on those 80 year old ring and pinion gears and axles! If any of these fail, you will be left with NO brakes at all!
For this reason, I heartily recommend external rear brakes such as the “Rocky Mountain” brand! While not cheap they can save a lot of expensive repairs to the drive train and they may save your life! This is even more important for folks who are using two speed rear ends. If these get shifted to neutral, you have NO brakes unless you have installed external rear brakes. If you tour a lot, you really should have “Rocky Mountain” brakes for safety and peace of mind. See you down the road…
Tour Driving Guidelines
by Glenn Storck
I have driven many miles touring in a Model T, and Susan and I have developed a set of guidelines which we feel would be helpful to club members when participating in tours. Adhering to these guidelines has made touring a safer and more enjoyable experience for us. They also help to reduce the frustration factor of modern cars which get caught behind slower moving Model Ts. The guidelines are as follows:
1. It is important to allow a good distance between your car and the car in front of you. The Model T cannot be stopped quickly, thus requiring a greater distance between cars. This extra space also allows modern cars plenty of room for passing. The “Five Second Rule” is helpful in determining the proper spacing. When the car in front of you has passed a stationary object at the road side, begin counting (one thousand, two thousand, etc.) and stop counting when your car reaches that same point. If your count reaches five as your car passes the stationary point, you have an adequate and safe distance between your car and the car immediately ahead of yours. You can adjust your speed to reach the five seconds, and this technique will work at any speed you are traveling.
2. We have found that a moderate speed of 35 miles per hour works best for traffic while not putting a strain on our car.
3. Hills are always a big challenge when driving a Model T. It is best to increase speed before encountering the hill. As you slow down going up the hill, keep to the right to allow modern cars to safely pass.
4. Be aware of the number of modern cars behind you and help them to pass by waving them around when the way is clear. If a number of modern cars stack up behind you, pull off the road at a safe spot to allow them to pass.
5. While touring with a group, always keep sight of the Model T behind you. If you lose sight of it, pull off to the shoulder and wait, or turn around to find out why the car is not where it should be.
6. Always try to start the day with a full tank of gasoline. Also, check the oil level and the water level in the radiator. We always carry at least one quart of oil and additional water to use as needed.
And although this isn’t an official guideline, it’s still extremely important!
7. It is a good idea to attend to natures needs before starting.
These guidelines have been very helpful in providing us with many miles of safe and enjoyable touring. Touring is a fun thing to do in a Model T as it is a great way to see countryside and attractions. It is also a fantastic way to meet interesting people. It can be done safely and enjoyably if you simply always keep in mind that the car you are driving is roughly 100 years old!
(This article was originally published in the May, 1998 issue of the Spark Coil.)
There are lots of areas, to discuss... Some may be a little controversial and you may not agree with my ideas. That's ok! I'd really like to hear YOUR opinion about anything we talk about here. Let me know if you think it's helpful OR let me know if you absolutely think I'm running on an empty gas tank. I'll be happy to include your comments, agreeing or disagreeing, in later articles.
Some areas I thought might be interesting are modern band materials, coils versus distributors, 12 volt batteries versus 6 volt batteries and how to change to 12 volts if we decide we want to use one. Modern lubricants in our T's,. There are lots of areas we can talk about! If there's one you would like discussed, just let me know and we'll try and dig up something on it.
Let's get started by talking about those @$%*&#$ bands we all have buried under that aluminum or cast iron "hogs head". Changing the bands is NOT a job that anyone looks forward to doing! So, when we do replace them, we'd like to use something that will last as long as possible!
When Henry's pride and joy was regular transportation, the bands were woven cotton with wooden bands becoming available in the twenties. Some folks managed to get 5000 miles out of a set of cotton bands while others could bum them up in one trip to town! The secret was all in how you used the pedals. Even with the modem materials now available, that's still true. We'll talk more about that but first let's see what's available for our cars now.
In recent years, folks have tried the molded band material from modem automatic transmissions but most found that, while they lasted well, they were not smooth and had a tendency to grab. Bands that grab are hard on the drive train and our driving enjoyment!
Recently, I've seen ads for wooden bands again. Wooden Bands?? Yep. And they apparently work surprisingly well. They give pretty good service and after they wear in, they are reasonably smooth. They are a little more difficult to install then woven bands because they are not as flexible. They should be soaked in oil before installation and it's best to remove the transmission cover to install them so you don't deform the steel band. They should be adjusted VERY loosely until run a hundred miles or so and then re-adjusted where you like them. They will then hold that adjustment pretty well.
The newest development in band material is the KEVLAR band. That's right! The same thing they use to make bullet proof vests! Kevlar bands are offered by several companies. I've used several sets made by the folks in Colorado and have been very pleased with them. They install just like the cotton bands. I suggest installing loosely and running for a few miles to let them settle in. Then adjust them as you like them and get ready for a pleasant surprise! They're smooth AND they will run a LOT of miles before they need adjusting again. I have a set on my 1912 T that have been used through the Glidden tour and a week long tour in the Blue Ridge mountains. They have about 4000 miles on them and they still look new and have not needed adjusting!
Regardless of the band material, you determine how long they will last by how you use those pedals! Reverse is not usually a problem since it gets very little use. In fact, we can use reverse to help make the brake last longer. The enemy is HEAT and we want to let cool oil get to the bands to cool them! When you use the brake, don't hold it down like a modem car. Press for a few seconds then release a second or two. The press again continuing the pumping action. Or, better still... alternate between the brake and the reverse pedal to allow the bands to cool. Even with modem materials, we still control how long our bands will last. A little "foot work" pays off
See you down the road...
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the May, 2002 issue of the Spark Coil.)
In this column I’d like to talk about installing transmission linings.
Linings are normally riveted to the steel backing bands. Riveting the bands is not a complicated job. The rivets usually come with the linings. Be sure they are solid brass rivets and NOT brass plated steel ones. Some folks suggest soaking the linings in oil for a day before attaching. I’ve done this and it works but it sure makes a messy job!
The lining will be longer than the steel band. Don’t cut them shorter! Starting at one end, place the lining on the inside of the band so that about 3/16 of an inch of lining extends past the end of the band. I usually
put a piece of soft wood in my vise. Then, after positioning the lining, flip the band and lining over with the lining against the wood. Put a rivet in the hole closest to the end. Place the rivet so the tines (legs) will be
across the band and not running lengthwise with the band when spread. (I usually hold the rivet with a pair of long nose pliers) It helps to have three hands here! Tap the rivet down through the lining and into the wood until the rivet head is snug against the band.
Pull the rivet out of the wood and flip the band over. Place the band and rivet against a flat part of the vise and tap a screwdriver blade between the rivet tines to spread them slightly. Now place a thin bolt between the tines and tap with a hammer to spread them completely. They should roll down and dig into the
lining material. You want the rivet tines to be tightly and deeply buried in the lining.
Now, go to the other end of the band and do the same thing. Don’t forget to leave about 3/16 lining past the end. After both ends are firmly secured,
you will have too much lining for the length of the band. Press the lining down tight against the steel band and work it until all the hump is out and the lining rests tightly against the steel band. Now install a rivet in each of the remaining holes using the wood block in the vise.
The holes at the ends may be inside a hole on the band ears. When they are, just put a bolt the size of the rivet head in the vise and place the band and rivet head down against the bolt then spread the tines. If you didn’t soak the linings before installing them, drop them in a pan of clean oil after each band is completed.
This really sounds more complicated than it is and you will quickly get the hang of it. The three main points are to leave a slight overhang of lining at the ends of the bands, to make sure the linings are pressed smoothly and tightly against the band after riveting and to make sure the tines are across the band and not lengthwise on them.
Now, install and adjust loosely! You should be able to push the car easily with the bands installed! If you can’t the bands are probably too tight. Drive the car a few miles to allow the bands to seat and then adjust again.
Still making sure the bands are not too tight. This is VERY important if you are installing Kevlar bands! Do NOT adjust too tight! Kevlar is great stuff but if you have the bands too tight Kevlar can generate enough
heat to crack the drums! Cotton bands that are too tight will simply burn themselves up before the heat can damage the drums but Kevlar won’t!
Scandanavian bands are ok BUT to get the best life from them, you really do need to drive them more carefully than Kevlar or wood. The secret, for the brake, is to make sure the band gets plenty of oil to keep it as cool as possible. When using the brake you want to develop the habit of applying the brake for a few seconds then releasing it for a few seconds. I alternate using the brake and reverse to slow down. Reverse gets almost no wear and using it along with the brake gives each band more time to cool and tends to equalize the wear between the two.
Band wear occurs during that period when the band is not TIGHTLY locked to the drum but is sliding on it. We can really make a difference in how long our low band lasts by remembering this fact. You want to get the low band firmly pressed against the drum as tightly as possible as quickly as possible so that the least amount of slippage occurs! Slipping the low band will wear it out VERY quickly! When using low to climb a hill, don’t let your leg relax. Keep low tightly pressed. Little or no wear is occurring while the band is locked against the drum.
It is also important to have one of the transmission oil strainers installed. The strainer is a small inexpensive metal box that simply sits under the access door. It filters an amazing amount of band lint and other trash out of the oil. But it also directs oil down on each band helping to cool and lubricate them!
See you down the road…
Troubleshooting the Electical System
Part I
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the March, 2003 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy, fellow Model T’ers! I’d like to spend a couple of articles discussing the Model T electrical system and problems that can keep our car from getting us out on the road!
The 1909 through 1914 T’s have a very simple system. Two wires are attached to the coil box to provide electrical current. Looking at the box from the front of the car, the post on the lower right has a wire that connects to the magneto terminal on top of the hogshead (transmission cover). The post on the coil box is connected through a wire inside the box to the Magneto side of the coil switch. Located on the lower left of the coil box is the battery terminal which was usually hooked to the positive terminal of a six volt battery or a group of six lantern batteries to provide current for starting the car. An internal wire inside the box will connect this post to the “Battery” side of the coil box switch. A third wire goes from the switch down to the copper strip on the bottom of the coil box which contacts the button on the bottom of each coil to provide the positive voltage.
Four wires are attached to the row of posts along the top of the coil box which connect to the timer (commutator) Again, looking from the front of the car, the left wire should go to the post on the timer that is grounded when the spark plug in number one cylinder fires. The second post from the left is cylinder two. The third three and the forth, cylinder four. The actual firing order for the “T” engine is 1,2,4,3 so we must be remember to reverse the wires on the timer for 3 and 4!
Add four high tension wires which go from the lower row of posts to the spark plugs and you have the total wiring system for a pre-1915 T!
While six volts will start the car, it is not enough voltage to operate the coils well at speeds above about 20 miles an hour. So, you turn the coil switch to the “Bat” side to start on battery and when the engine is running, move the switch to “Mag” for driving. A good magneto will put out 20 to 30 volts and make the coils really sing!
The electrical problems with the 09/14 system were pretty much limited to loose connections or shorts in the commutator wiring and coil problems.
Probably the most likely spot for trouble is the commutator and commutator wiring. I’d be hard pressed to think of a worse location for a timer than the one on a “T”! It’s not easy to get at, it gets wet and coated with oil and the connections are very close to things that can short them out!
Looking again from the front of the car, the commutator contact at the 11 o’clock position will normally be number one. The timer rotor turns counter-clockwise so the number two contact will be the one at 8 o’clock. That takes care of the two contacts on the left side of the timer. The bottom right contact (4 o’clock) will have number 4 (NOT 3) because 4 fires BEFORE 3. And the contact at the 2 o’clock position will connect to the number 3 coil.
Common problems are timer wires that have broken off from the continual flexing and wire connectors on the timer contacts that touch the timer advance rod as it moves through its arc. Also check for pan bolts that can short out the lower contacts on the timer case.
If you remove the sparkplug wires from the plugs and switch on the battery, each coil should buzz as you hand crank the engine slowly. Disconnecting the sparkplug wires can save you from a broken arm should there be a short that makes a coil fire when its piston is in the wrong position! You can quickly check your timer wiring by shorting out each timer contact to the timer case with a screw driver and checking to make sure that the proper coil buzzes with the proper timer contact.
One last thought… Not all timers fire at the same position! The little tool sold to set timing by the “T” suppliers was meant for the original Ford timer. NOT for the New Day or the Anderson timer! We’ll continue this discussion in the next newsletter.
See you down the road…
Part II
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the May, 2003 issue of the Spark Coil.)
In our last column, we began a discussion of the electrical system of the Model T. We talked about the very simple system used on the 1909 through 1914 models. Now let’s move on to 1915…
In 1915 Ford finally gave up on Acetylene headlights and a kerosene tail light. The “new” 1915 Ford sported real electric headlights! Still no electric starter but a giant step forward in safety and convenience over the older lighting system. But the “new” Ford still did not come standard with a battery. The headlights had to get their power from the engine magneto. To supply the additional current needed for the headlights, Ford beefed up the magneto so it could power both the engine and the lights.
This was not an ideal arrangement as any Ford owner of the period would quickly tell you. Since the speed of the engine governed the amount of voltage put out by the mag, the lights also got brighter or dimmer according to the engine speed. When going slowly, the light was barely sufficient to see the road and when you got up to a higher speed, it was not unusual for the bulbs to burn out! Not a happy situation on a dark country road. To try and improve this situation many third party suppliers sold “equalizers” which were supposed to control the voltage and increase bulb life. Ford even came out with an “equalizer” circuit of their own. These may have helped bulb life but the system was still a poor one and it was obvious something better was needed.
Lets talk a little about the wiring used in the Magneto lighting system. If you look at a bulb made for the mag system, it looks very much like the two filament bulbs used in later years. That is, it had two contacts on the bottom. But the resemblance ends there. The headlights were actually wired in series rather than each light being wired to ground. This meant that current flowed from the switch through the first bulb contact in the passenger side light and then through the filament and then out the second bulb contact through a wire along the bottom of the radiator and in to the first contact of the driver side bulb. After going through the filament, current flowed out through the second contact and through a short wire to ground. Folks restoring this system sometimes find it confusing since they are used to the later grounded bulbs in every socket.
Now might be a good time to discuss magneto problems since the magneto is so important to the 1915 through 1919 cars lighting systems.
A good magneto should put out about 6 volts at a good idle and range upward to 25 to 30 volts at higher engine speeds. If you want to measure your magneto output, use an analog voltmeter and not a digital one. You are measuring a voltage that increases and decreases as each magnet passed the stationary coils in the magneto so you will want to use the AC setting and NOT the DC one normally used for testing a later automobile battery system.
If the output is lower that it should be, the first area to check is the magneto terminal post on the top of the flywheel housing. This contact uses a small spring to contact a solder point on the top of the magneto coil assembly and there is a tendency for band lint to build up at this contact and too much can cause poor conduction with the resulting loss of voltage. If you are lucky, removing this contact and cleaning it may give you back the voltage you are missing!
If the contact is clean, then there can be several reasons for low output. If you have some voltage but just not enough, it is likely that the magnets have lost their magnetism due to heat and vibration over the past 80 years or so. It is possible to remagnetize them in the car. While not as good as removing the engine and remagnetizing each individual magnet, doing them in the car does not require removing the engine and can make a poor magneto work until an engine overhaul. We’ll talk more about this in our next column. Until then,
See you down the road…
Part III
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the July, 2003 issue of the Spark Coil.)
In our last column, we continued our discussion of the electrical system of the Model T. We mentioned problems associated with the magneto. Now let’s talk about recharging the magnets in the Ford Model T magneto system…
Success depends on several things. The condition of the magneto coil windings, the gap between the magnets and the magneto coils and the care with which we align the magnets when we attempt to charge them.
There is no question that getting freshly charged magnets from a Model T parts supplier or individually recharging your old magnets when the engine is apart will usually offer a more reliable method of getting a strong magneto output. This is the way to go if you are rebuilding your engine anyway. But if the engine is in good mechanical condition and the magneto is the only problem, then it may be worth considering a recharge effort. One other comment before we go ahead with magneto recharging… The modern distributor setups sold by the T parts suppliers do not need the magneto! The distributor will work quite well using a six or twelve volt storage battery and will eliminate the need for the magneto and four spark coils.
Still interested in a magneto recharge? OK, let’s get started. The first thing we will need is a good strong source of current. Two 12 volt car batteries will serve nicely. We will want to hook them up in series to get 24 volts. We will need heavy cables to carry the current. Two sets of jumper cables will work for that. Half of one set will connect the negative post of one battery to the positive post of the other battery. The other set of cables will be used from the batteries to the car.
We will also need a compass. The compass will allow us to line up the magnets with the coils as shown in diagram 1. Your success will depend on how accurately you line the magnets up with the coils! Care used here will help get the best results. Position the car so that it points east and west then place the compass 1 inch behind and 1 1/2 inches to the right of the magneto contact on the flywheel housing as shown in diagram 2
When the flywheel is positioned correctly the north seeking portion of the compass needle will point to the front of the car. Moved to the left hand position, the compass will point to the rear of the car.
Connect the cable from the negative post of the batteries to the magneto post. We want to make our contact with the positive cable to the flywheel housing to lessen the possibility of damage to the magneto post. Now, firmly touch the positive cable to the housing and hold it there for 2 or 3 seconds. Do not hold longer! It is the initial jolt that does the work! Holding it longer can damage the coil windings! Best results will be obtained by repeating the contact several times.
NOW turn the crank to move the flywheel 1/4 turn and line up the magnets with the compass again. Repeat the contacts at the new position of the flywheel. Do this every 1/4 turn until you are back at your original position. That’s it! More details can be found in Murray Fahnstock’s excellent book “The Model T Ford Owner” available from any T parts supplier.
See you down the road…
Part IV
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the September, 2003 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Let’s continue our discussion of the Model T electrical system. In previous articles, we talked about the early 1909 to 1914 system, the 1915 system and how to re-magnetize the magneto. Now, we’ll move on to the later layout that included the generator and electric starter.
The electric starter had been used since 1912 on Cadillac and made the automobile a convenient form of transportation for the ladies. The 1919 Model T closed sedans were the first to appear with electric starters and the open cars followed by 1921. The starter was part of a package that included generator, starter and demountable clincher rims.
The addition of the generator meant that the unreliable 1915 lighting system could be replaced with a more modern six volt system that didn’t dim with low speeds or burn out the bulbs at high speed! This represented a real improvement in safety and convenience.
The electric starter is operated by a button in the floorboard. Now, when the driver forgets to retard the spark, it is the electric starter that takes the brunt of the kickback and not the driver’s wrist or arm! All in all, the generator and starter was a great improvement in the “T” and long overdue!
Our “improved” wiring system now included a six volt storage battery located under the floor behind the front seat in touring cars and under the floor of the trunk in coupes and roadsters. The negative terminal of the battery was attached to the frame of the T with a heavy braided strap. The later Model “A” reversed this arrangement and grounded the positive terminal. It’s not unusual to see Model T’s with the incorrect positive grounds like the later A’s had and they will work but that’s not how they were originally wired.
From the battery, a heavy cable traveled forward to one terminal of the starter switch. One note of caution here… Do NOT use the 12 volt replacement cables from your local auto supply! They are not designed to carry the higher current needed by the 6 volt starter. A second heavy cable is attached to the other terminal of the starter switch and travels forward to heavy copper terminal on the starter assembly.
A smaller wire is also attached to the starter switch terminal which has the battery cable and it travels up to the terminal block on the firewall in the engine compartment. This smaller wire carries the current to operate the lights, horn and coils, when the key is in the “battery” position. Don’t make the mistake of attaching this wire to the same terminal with the starter cable since that terminal only gets current when the button is pushed to operate the starter!
The firewall terminal block is a great place to troubleshoot electrical problems and, it’s also a great place to cause them too! With age, the terminal blocks frequently will NOT keep the screws tight and this will cause poor connections that are the devil to find! If your terminal block screw holes are stripped (a common problem) you will be unable to get good tight connections and every circuit in the Model T travels through the strip except the starter! Many a problem with lights, and rough running can be traced to loose connections on the lowly terminal block! Save yourself a lot of headaches and repair or replace this little block! We’ll continue our electrical discussion next issue. In the meantime,
See you down the road…
Part V
By E. Meloan (This article was originally published in the November, 2003 issue of the Spark Coil.)
Howdy, Fellow Model T’ers! Let’s continue our discussion of the Model T electrical system. In our last article, we touched briefly on the terminal block used in the cars equipped with starters and generators. I’d like to spend a little more time on the details of the terminal block and wiring.
I’ll use the 6 screw block in my discussion since it is the most common.
I mentioned the terminal block as a common source of problems in the last article and since this is so important, I want to emphasize it again. Unless your terminal block has been replaced, it is very likely to have screw holes which, because of age and wear, will not hold the wires in tight contact! The connections on the terminal block control every circuit except the starter and are a frequent source of intermittent electrical problems! It is very important that your check this block carefully and if it can’t hold the screws TIGHT, repair or replace it!
Let’s go over the wires that attach through the terminal block. Looking at the block from the front of the car, and starting on the left, we have the following attachments.
Terminal # 1 (GEN) should have two or three wires attached. A yellow wire with a black tracer to the generator cutout and a yellow wire with a black tracer to the ammeter. If you want the horn to show a discharge on the ammeter when blown, then also connect the black wire from the horn button to terminal # 1.
Terminal # 2 (MAG) A red wire from the magneto post on the flywheel housing (routed
Under the firewall) and a red wire to the magneto terminal on the dashboard combination ignition/light switch.
Terminal # 3 (BAT) A yellow wire from BATTERY side of the starter switch and a yellow wire to the ammeter. Normally the generator wire goes to left terminal on the ammeter (looking at the back of the meter) and the BATtery wire goes to the right terminal of the meter. If the meter shows a charge when the lights are on and the engine is not running, reverse positions of the two wires on the back of the ammeter!
Terminal # 4 (TAIL) A black wire to the tail light and a black wire to the TAIL terminal of the ignition/light switch. I also like to connect a dash light to this terminal so that it is switched on whenever the lights are on.
Terminal # 5 (DIM) Headlights. A black with red tracer wire to each headlight and a black with red tracer wire to the DIM terminal on the ignition/light switch.
Terminal # 6 (BRT) Headlights. A black with green tracer wire to each headlight and a black with green tracer wire to the BRIGHT terminal on the ignition/light switch.
If your car uses twin filament bulbs, the bulb will have one filament centered in the bulb and a second filament off-center in the bulb. Bulbs should be put in the socket so that the centered filament is on when BRIGHT is selected and the off-center filament is on when DIM is selected. The off-center filament should be above the centered filament so the beam is thrown down on the road by the reflector.
The Model T electrical system can be very reliable if we just take care of it.
See you down the road…
12 Volt
I talked about one part of the Model "T" ignition system. Various timers were discussed and I recommended the Anderson Timer that is now being manufactured by Bob Thompson. There are two other things which are vital to the smooth operation of the original system the "T" used. They are the magneto and the coils.
There's a lot of discussion about whether the original coil/timer system can work as well as an after-market distributor. Having run both systems in my 12 and 22 T's, I can tell you that my personal feeling is the original coil/timer system can work just as reliably and with no more adjustment than a distributor system IF the coils have a good condenser, are adjusted correctly and the magneto puts out enough voltage OR you use a 12 volt battery! We'll talk about the 12 volt option further down the page.
Let's talk briefly about the magneto. To have a sweet running coil system you must have a magneto that will put out about 7 volts while idling and about 25 volts or more when driving down the road. A number of factors can effect the magneto's output. The most common problem is probably magnets which over a period of 75 years have lost much of their magnetism due to heat and vibration. While it is certainly better to recharge low magnets while out of the engine, I have recharged them successfully using three 12 volt batteries in series and carefully lining up the magnets using a compass. The method is described in a number of publications so I won't go into details here.
Another cause of low voltage from the magneto is wear on the engine's main bearings! As the bearings wear the space between the magnets and the coils increases and the voltage drops rapidly! During the Model "T" era, a number of companies offered gadgets designed to control the end-play to keep the magnets near the magneto coils but I know of none that are available today. About the only solution I know of is to rebuild the engine and set the clearance correctly when you reassemble.
The last set of problems we can run across with the magneto are no voltage at all! This will generally be caused by a shorted or open magneto coil. The magneto coils have to withstand a very hostile environment. They are constantly bombarded with very hot oil which has minute particle of metal in it! If some of these particles work their way through the insulation a short may result. Sometimes it is possible to burn a short off by using the same setup we use to recharge the magnets. A heavy jolt of high amperage current for 10 to 15 seconds may burn off the shorting material. This method is not for the "faint of heart" though.
An open magneto coil system is also a possibility. Unfortunately, this usually can not be repaired without disassembling the engine.
And one last place to check when you have no or low voltage is the magneto contact terminal on the top of the hogshead. Sometimes fluff from the bands will build up here and work its way between the solder point on the coil assembly and the contact point of the terminal. It's easy to check and should be the first thing you look at if you have a low output problem. Just take out the contact terminal and look for fluffy material on the solder point and contact point. Clean them and cross your fingers.
You can check the voltage with an inexpensive AC voltmeter. Yep! the magneto is alternating current not direct current like the battery. And by the way... The alternating current means that the spark lever should be set slightly differently for magneto running than for battery running. By careful experimentation, you'll notice a definite "sweet spot" for the spark lever that the magneto and coils really like. Look for it! It's well worth finding.
If your magneto just won't "cut the mustard", don't give up! A 12 volt battery will make the old "T" run just about as well as the magneto and will actually run a little better at slow speeds because the magneto drops to 6 or 7 volts when crawling along in the parades.
See you down the road…